The following code works if you run it directly in REPL
module MyM
using SymPy
export beta, return_beta
beta = symbols("β")
function return_beta()
return -beta
But if you put MyM
in a file MyM.jl
and use it like this
using MyM; return_beta()
you will see an error
ERROR: ArgumentError: ref of NULL PyObject
[1] getproperty(::PyCall.PyObject, ::String) at /home/xing/.julia/packages/PyCall/zqDXB/src/PyCall.jl:296
[2] getproperty(::PyCall.PyObject, ::Symbol) at /home/xing/.julia/packages/PyCall/zqDXB/src/PyCall.jl:306
[3] getproperty(::SymPy.Sym, ::Symbol) at /home/xing/.julia/packages/SymPy/JaxDZ/src/types.jl:119
[4] -(::SymPy.Sym) at /home/xing/.julia/packages/SymPy/JaxDZ/src/mathops.jl:10
[5] return_beta() at /home/xing/Dropbox/Research/2020/Bak-Sneppen/MyM.jl:6
[6] top-level scope at REPL[1]:1
I also tried similar code with SymEngine.jl, exactly the same problem. Is there something wrong about my code?