Results regarding Julia from HackerRank developer skills report

And it’s great that we have people like Chris who are making even people’s complex problems simple!

No, no, no!!!
Julia should continue to support marvelously heavy-duty numerical computing, yes.
Julia should not be kept in a niche, away from general purpose programmers (and bit-twiddlers!) like me.
(Sometimes I feel like some of the Julia supporters are like Gollum, with Julia as their “precious”! :laughing: )

Don’t hide Julia under a rock!


I am not sure what you are referring to. AFAICT no one is hiding anything from anyone, the language is actively promoted on many forums.

Also, the wide breadth of registered and unregistered packages make it hard argue that julia is “kept in a niche” in any way.

I was simply replying to the comment “Julia should stick to heavy-duty numerical computing”.
I’ve seen that attitude a lot, a number of people in the community don’t care so much about changes to Julia that could help it for general purpose computing (like better string handling or packages for database access), but are willing to spend years discussing just exactly how to do transposes correctly :grinning:


In my research institute, I try to persuade my colleagues to use Julia for a data analysis project. However, we find there are not so many mature packages, such as Dask and Django. I wrote a demo with Dagger in Julia language, but I cannot make it work correctly. My colleagues finished that with few lines of code with Dask in Python. Moreover, the group members including me are familiar with Python. At last, we decided to use Python.
For the daily work, mature packages are important factors to select a language.

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the data ecosystem isn’t as well developed just yet

Given the current state of the package ecosystem, you frequently need to invest some time in a package that you want to use in a production setting, to the point of becoming familiar enough with the internals to submit PRs. Generally, this is how open source works. Projects becoming as mature and polished as some prominent packages in the Python and R ecosystems is more of an exception than the rule, and they also started out this way.

I find that this strategy can easily backfire. Committing to Julia at this point requires a certain mindset, not unlike flying the Millenium Falcon: it is designed to be blazingly fast, but things can break down at inconvenient moments and then you have to be able to repair them. This is perhaps more suited for research than production.