I am encountering a discrepancy when taking the inner product of two CUDA matrices, with and without the use of @view
. The results differ by approximately 1% in Float32
Could someone kindly explain what might be causing this and perhaps the potential solution?
I was initially suspecting this could be due to the reordering of floating point operations under the hood, but to my understanding, this should typically affect results around the magnitude of O(10eps(Float)
) only. Furthermore, it only happens when applying @view
Below is a minimal working example (MWE):
using CUDA, BenchmarkTools, LinearAlgebra
const N = 20
const T = Float32
insideI = CartesianIndices((2:N-1,2:N-1))
# Declare CPU array
A = rand(T,N,N)
B = rand(T,N,N)
# Copy to GPU
Ag = A |> CuArray
Bg = B |> CuArray
println("W/O view:")
# My result some how like: CPU: 79.925385, GPU: 79.925390
# Only small difference.
println("CPU: ",((A[insideI]) β
(B[insideI])), ", GPU: ", ((Ag[insideI]) β
println("W/ view:")
# My result some how like: CPU: 79.925390, GPU: 81.175540
# Deviate for quite a bit!!!!
println("CPU: ",((@view A[insideI]) β
(@view B[insideI])), ", GPU: ", ((@view Ag[insideI]) β
(@view Bg[insideI])))
# In case you want to see the benchmark results
# bresultCPUNoView = @benchmark ($A[insideI]) β
# bresultCPUView = @benchmark (@view $A[insideI]) β
(@view $B[insideI])
# bresultGPUNoView = @benchmark ($Ag[insideI]) β
# bresultGPUView = @benchmark (@view $Ag[insideI]) β
(@view $Bg[insideI])
# display(bresultCPUNoView)
# display(bresultCPUView)
# display(bresultGPUNoView)
# display(bresultGPUView)
My platform is
GPU: NVidia GForce MX350
Julia: 1.11.1
CUDA.jl: v5.5.2
LinearAlgebra.jl: v1.11.0