Hi all, I am trying to implement an algorithm in JuMP. In each iteration, I will need to solve several models in parallel, update some data and then resolve these models in the next iteration with different objectives (constraints and variables are the same). What I am thinking is that I set up models without objectives beforehand, and then in each iteration I use pmap to set new objectives and resolve. I don’t want to rebuild models from scratch in each iteration. I am wondering is this doable and supported in JuMP? Thanks.
I am wondering is this doable and supported in JuMP?
There is nothing “in” JuMP that supports this. However, it does support changing the objective of a model and efficiently resolving the problem.
However, you can use Julia’s parallel features to parallelize the solves. It is worth having a read of some related posts as there are quite a few traps you can run into:
Have a read, try some things out, and then come back if you run into problems.
It sounds pretty similar to what I used in Juniper.jl
So you basically load the basis model to all processors and then use remotecall_fetch
to call the processors with information like the new objective and get that back. All in a pmap
function (@sync, @async
loop )
Don’t hesitate to comment here if you need some more information.
More about the pmap function
One constraint to be aware of is that JuMP Model
objects aren’t designed to support serialization. pmap
ping over a list of models to solve generally won’t work, because that involves sending the model across processes. You should try to build a model locally once per process.
Thanks, I am looking into this!
Thanks! That’s helpful!
Thanks for the reply. Can you please specify how to
Say I have 3 models and 3 processes, can I do something like:
@everywhere using JuMP
@everywhere using Ipopt
function generateModel()
mList = Array(JuMP.Model,3)
for i in 1:3
m = Model(solver = IpoptSolver(print_level = 0))
@variable(m, x[1:2], lowerbound = -1, upperbound = 1)
a = rand(2)
@constraint(m, dot(a, x) == 0)
mList[i] = m
return mList
@everywhere function solveModel(m::JuMP.Model)
c = rand(2)
@objective(m, Min, dot(c,m[:x]))
s = solve(m)
return getobjectivevalue(m)
mList = generateModel()
for i in 1:3
rr = RemoteChannel(i)
put!(rr, mList[i])
bList = Any[]
@time for k in 1:100
b = Dict(i=>0.0 for i in 1:3)
@sync begin
for i in 1:3
b[i] = solveModel(mList[i])
push!(bList, b)
When I tried to put each model into a process, I had
LoadError: On worker 2:
UndefVarError: JuMP not defined
In addition, can this make sure in every iteration(1:100), the model i will be solved in process i? I am also a little confused about when to use @parallel after @sync.
Thank you!
Hi. Thank you for the reply. I am trying to workout a simple example:
@everywhere using JuMP
@everywhere using Ipopt
@everywhere function generateModel()
m = Model(solver = IpoptSolver(print_level = 0))
@variable(m, x[1:2], lowerbound = -1, upperbound = 1)
a = rand(2)
@constraint(m, dot(a,x) == 0)
return m
@everywhere function solveModel(m::JuMP.Model)
c = rand(2)
@objective(m, Min, dot(c, m[:x]))
return getobjectivevalue(m)
mList = Array{JuMP.Model}(3)
@sync for i in 1:3
mList[i] = remotecall_fetch(generateModel, i)
I think I am generating models in each process, and my first question is : am I generating models in a parallel way?
In addition, I am a little confused about the following different approaches to solve the model
sol = Array{Float64}(3)
@time @sync for i in 1:3
sol[i] = remotecall_fetch(solveModel,i,mList[i])
sol = Array{Float64}(3)
@time @sync @parallel for i in 1:3
sol[i] = remotecall_fetch(solveModel,i,mList[i])
sol = Array{Float64}(3)
@time @sync for i in 1:3
sol[i] = remote_do(solveModel,i,mList[i])
sol = pmap(solveModel, mList)
Anyone can help explain the difference of the four approaches? Thanks!
It looks like you’re adding procs after using JuMP
and declaring functions. The procs you add are not able to use anything declared with @everywhere before the proc is added.
Thanks for the reply. Yes you are right. I just realized that. I changed the code in the previous reply.
Hi. Could you please explain what is happening in the while loop marked by the marco @async in the map function? Thanks
You have basically the @sync
loop over the processors and the @async
loop over the tasks. At the beginning you get the new task (for you a new objective from a list) and break if the list is empty. This is all done by the master processor. Then use remotecall_fetch
function to send the task to the processor. Do you need more information?
I see. So assume I have equal number (n) of models and processes, and I want each process to take care of one model. Can I do something like
@sync for i in 1:n
@async result[i] = remotecall_fetch(solveModel, i, modelList[i])
where modelList
is an array of n
JuMP models.
In addition, what I need is that in each iteration of my algorithm, I need to implement the above code (in parallel) to resolve n models. But each process will always handle the same model. Is it necessary to build and store each model in a process (say with the same id), or is it find to create all models in the main process (with id 1)?