I have a struct that I would like to consist of only Array or CuArray, but I would like a mix of different kinds to throw. I can enforce uniform types by using the {T}, but how do I define my struct to make the vel_mix construction throw an error?
using CUDA
struct Velocity{T}
u::AbstractArray{T, 2}
v::AbstractArray{T, 2}
u = zeros(3, 3); v = zeros(3, 3)
vel_cpu = Velocity(u, v) # OK
vel_gpu = Velocity(CuArray(u), CuArray(v)) # OK
vel_mix = Velocity(CuArray(u), v) # I would like this one to throw.
I may be wrong but I think you’ll need to use a constructor to enforce the dimensions. I don’t think you can express the relationship of “one dimension less” (because you can’t do math on the type) in the type system (but please someone prove me wrong if it is possible).
My question wasn’t well formulated. What I meant to ask was: what if I mix different dimension sizes, can I define the struct such that all arrays are of the same kind, irrespective of their nmber of dimensions, or do I need a constructor for that?
For instance
struct Velocity{T, U2 <: AbstractArray{T, 2}, U1 <: AbstractArray{T, 1}}
would not solve it, because it allows U1 to be an Array and U2 a CuArray.