I am trying to reproduce the following matlab code using julia.
NEst = 1000 % length estimation record
[b,a] = cheby1(3, 0.5, 2*[0.15 0.3]); % the coefficients of the true IIR system
% generate the test data with random input
u = randn(1, NEst); % exact input
y0 = filter(b,a,u); % exact output
It generates a vector of uniformally distributed data. Then it passes it through a bandpass chebyshev filter.
To remove the randomness element form the comparsion I exported u
from matlab and used it directly with the julia filt
Here is the Julia implementation
import Pkg
Pkg.add(["DSP", "HDF5", "FileIO"])
using DSP, HDF5, FileIO
data = h5open(download("https://github.com/AbdulrhmnGhanem/PracticalMATLABModelingWithSimulink.jl/raw/main/src/SysID.jl/e11.h5"))
u_mat = read(data["u/value"])
a_mat = read(data["a/value"])
b_mat = read(data["b/value"])
y0_mat = read(data["y0/value"])
n = 3
r = 0.5
wp = 2*[0.15, 0.3]
h = digitalfilter(Bandpass(wp...), Chebyshev1(n, r))
tf = convert(PolynomialRatio, h)
b, a = coefb(tf), coefa(tf)
# both Julia's and MATLAB's filters have the same coffiecnets
@assert b' ≈ b_mat
@assert a' ≈ a_mat
y0_filt = filt(b, a, u_mat)
y0_filtfilt = filtfilt(b, a, u_mat')
println(y0_filt ≈ y0_mat) # false
println(y0_filtfilt' ≈ y0_mat) # false
What am I doing wrong that cuauses a different result compared to matlab?