I’m having a hard time replicating the results of an ordered logit regression in Econometrics.jl
. The code for the estimation is done here. The objective function is here.
Here is my implementation (you can download the data from here)
using ComponentArrays
using UnPack
using Econometrics
using Distributions
using Optim
using CategoricalArrays
using DataFrames
using CSV
datadf = DataFrame(CSV.File("auto.csv"))
datadf.foreign = categorical(datadf.foreign)
datadf.foreign = recode(datadf.foreign, "Domestic" => 0, "Foreign" => 1)
datadf.rep77 = categorical(datadf.rep77, ordered=true)
datadf.rep77 = recode(datadf.rep77, "Poor" => 1, "Fair" => 2, "Average" => 3, "Good" => 4, "Excellent" => 5)
datadfnm = dropmissing(datadf[!, [:rep77, :foreign, :length, :mpg]])
# Econometrics.jl results
ecn = fit(EconometricModel, @formula(rep77 ~ foreign + length + mpg), datadfnm)
# my implementation
θ = ComponentArray{Float64}(β=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], K=(1:4)./4)
function Λ(x)
cdf(Logistic(), x)
function mycumsum(K)
n = length(K)
s = similar(K)
s[1] = K[1]
for i in 2:n
s[i] = abs(K[i]) + s[i-1]
return s
function Pi(j, θ, x)
@unpack β, K = θ
KK = mycumsum(K)
kk = length(K)
n = length(x)
xb = sum(x[i]*β[i] for i in 1:n)
if 2 <= j <= kk
return Λ(KK[j] - xb) - Λ(KK[j-1] - xb)
elseif j == 1
return Λ(KK[1] - xb)
elseif j == kk+1
return 1 - Λ(KK[kk] - xb)
function boole(x, pred)
x == pred
function logℒ(θ; Yvec=Yvec, Xmat=Xmat)
lev = unique(Yvec)
s = zero(eltype(θ))
for i in 1:size(Xmat, 1), j in 1:length(lev)
xi = @view(Xmat[i, :])
s += log(Pi(j, θ, xi)) * boole(Yvec[i], lev[j])
return s
Xmat = Matrix(datadfnm[!, [:foreign, :length, :mpg]])
Yvec = datadfnm[!, :rep77]
θ0 = similar(θ)
θ0.β .= 0.0
θ0.K .= log.(1:4)
opt = optimize(θ -> -logℒ(θ), θ, Newton(), Optim.Options(g_tol = 1e-10, iterations=10_000); autodiff=:forward)
# my coefficients
# my thresholds
opt.minimizer.K |> mycumsum
# Econometrics.jl coefficients and thresholds:
Can any one give some advice?