Replacement for Dict, is anyone using isslotfilled?

As for the final item, you can always write const ODict = OrderedDict at the beginning of the file and have no issues with long names. Of course, it may be tedious to write it every time you want to use but on the other hand, there is always some preamble in any project.

Actually, all of the 4 items can be solved with a proper template in PkgTemplates.jl. You (or anyone else who needs OrderedDict) can write such a template once and never worry about this routine anymore.


A solution which only is effective if you know you need them when you start your project and requires yet another thing to keep track of? No, thanks, I’ll live with the (mild) pain and will rejoice when the standard Dict becomes insertion ordered. Who knows, maybe it will happen faster than it did for Python.


Please let’s not pretend that using packages is a “pain” in any sense in Julia.

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