What’s the most idiomatic way of achieving this in Julia? Can this be done as a one-liner?
Something like this:
df[df.> 0] .= 1
What’s the most idiomatic way of achieving this in Julia? Can this be done as a one-liner?
Something like this:
df[df.> 0] .= 1
I would maybe do by column.
julia> for col in eachcol(df)
col[col .> 0] .= 1
You will get bitten in these approaches if you do not filter out non-numeric columns. Use the loop but add an element type check before trying to replace.
One solution is to use names
to select real-valued columns.
julia> for col in eachcol(df[!, names(df, Real)])
col[col .> .5] .= 100
Or if you desperately wanted a one-liner:
mapcols!(x -> ifelse.(x .> 0, 1.0, x), df)
df=DataFrame(rand(10,4).*2, :auto)
select(df, names(df,Real).=>x->min.(x,1))
Do these have any benefit over existing solutions?
Do you have any explanation for why you included the solutions you did?
It’s fine, they’re just suggestions.
Good pointing out how they compare to other solutions though.
Same style as @nilshg 's one-liner, but with column filtering:
mapcols!(x -> eltype(x)<:Real ?
ifelse.(x .> one(eltype(x)), one(eltype(x)), x) : x, df)
no. Except I had some free time
this version does not unnecessarily allocate a matrix