REPL without truncated output

How do I get this to print out in the same format but with all of the values, I.E. no ‘⋮’?

Julia> hcat(1:10, 21:30, 31:40)
10×3 Array{Int64,2}:
  1  21  31
  2  22  32
  3  23  33
  8  28  38
  9  29  39
 10  30  40

showall() doesn’t have the same behavior so it doesn’t work.

Julia> showall(hcat(1:10, 21:30, 31:40))
[1 21 31; 2 22 32; 3 23 33; 4 24 34; 5 25 35; 6 26 36; 7 27 37; 8 28 38; 9 29 39; 10 30 40]