I seemed to be up against a limit on the size of dataset that CairoMakie can handle. I am trying to plot a heatmap of a large spectrogram from DSP.jl. I’ve reduced the problem I’m having to a size issue. Oddly, I was not getting an error message…the REPL would just unceremoniously kill itself.
I can reproduce (on my system) with this:
using CairoMakie
using ColorSchemes
num = 20000
row = range(1, num)
col = range(1, num*3)
val = rand(1:1:5,num, num*3)
fig = Figure(resolution = (1800, 800), fontsize = 30)
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel = "time", ylabel = "freq", title = "Insert clever title here")
hm = CairoMakie.heatmap!(row, col, val; colormap = Reverse(:Blues_9))
However, if I reduce num to 15,000, then I get this error message:
Error showing value of type Figure:
ERROR: Cairo stops rendering images bigger than 32745, which is likely a bug in Cairo. Please resample your image/heatmap with e.g. `ImageTransformations.imresize`
If I reduce the value of num to 10,000, then I get a heatmap.
I see I will need to downsample, but is the due to CairoMakie or my machine’s memory? Why error at some level and at a higher level, the REPL just crashes?
Is there some way to downsample only the y axis (freq) but keep the x (time) axis intact, perhaps with a scroll bar?