I have the following result for my GLM analysis:
julia> gm1 = fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(compte ~ exp27 + exp26 + exp25+ exp24 + exp27*exp26*exp25*exp24), viewbits, Poisson())
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{GeneralizedLinearModel{GLM.GlmResp{Vector{Float64}, Poisson{Float64}, LogLink}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
compte ~ 1 + exp27 + exp26 + exp25 + exp24 + exp27 & exp26 + exp27 & exp25 + exp26 & exp25 + exp27 & exp24 + exp26 & exp24 + exp25 & exp24 + exp27 & exp26 & exp25 + exp27 & exp26 & exp24 + exp27 & exp25 & exp24 + exp26 & exp25 & exp24 + exp27 & exp26 & exp25 & exp24
Coef. Std. Error z Pr(>|z|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
(Intercept) 3.43399 0.179605 19.12 <1e-80 3.08197 3.78601
exp27 5.54088 0.179957 30.79 <1e-99 5.18818 5.89359
exp26 2.76246 0.185188 14.92 <1e-49 2.3995 3.12542
exp25 1.31094 0.20237 6.48 <1e-10 0.914307 1.70758
exp24 0.755668 0.217737 3.47 0.0005 0.328911 1.18242
exp27 & exp26 -0.00116308 0.185551 -0.01 0.9950 -0.364836 0.36251
exp27 & exp25 0.066962 0.202761 0.33 0.7412 -0.330442 0.464366
exp26 & exp25 0.0401126 0.208609 0.19 0.8475 -0.368753 0.448978
exp27 & exp24 -0.0658796 0.218173 -0.30 0.7627 -0.493491 0.361732
exp26 & exp24 -0.0748156 0.224671 -0.33 0.7391 -0.515162 0.365531
exp25 & exp24 -0.0625204 0.245872 -0.25 0.7993 -0.54442 0.419379
exp27 & exp26 & exp25 -0.0340156 0.209012 -0.16 0.8707 -0.443672 0.375641
exp27 & exp26 & exp24 0.0810225 0.22512 0.36 0.7189 -0.360205 0.52225
exp27 & exp25 & exp24 0.0636278 0.246355 0.26 0.7962 -0.419219 0.546475
exp26 & exp25 & exp24 0.125964 0.253571 0.50 0.6194 -0.371027 0.622955
exp27 & exp26 & exp25 & exp24 -11.3783 0.376127 -30.25 <1e-99 -12.1155 -10.6411
As you can see much of the interaction coefficients can be removed except for the quadruple one.
How do I specify the model (@formula) to keep only the significant parameters? That is, the intercept, the four first and the last one?
Thanks for you help.