I am using DataFrames on a CSV file with space and unit declarations next to the variable, for an example:
time [s]
So when I import it, it looks like:
How would I go about removing " [s]", so it would become “time”?
Kind regards
I am using DataFrames on a CSV file with space and unit declarations next to the variable, for an example:
time [s]
So when I import it, it looks like:
How would I go about removing " [s]", so it would become “time”?
Kind regards
This is my hardcoded approach
df = DataFrame(CSV.File("GaugesSWL_Swl_WaveLength.csv",delim=";"))
rename!(df, Symbol.(replace.(string.(names(df)), Ref(r"\[m\]"=>""))))
rename!(df, Symbol.(replace.(string.(names(df)), Ref(r"\[s\]"=>""))))
rename!(df, Symbol.(replace.(string.(names(df)), Ref(r"\s"=>""))))
Yeah that seems about right. You could always tweak the regex to capture anything of the pattern [*]
You shouldn’t need to use Symbol
at all. In the up-to-date version of DataFrames it should just work with strings.
from DataConvenience.jl
I am not very good at regex, tried to do what you suggested but it didn’t work for me. You are right about strings though, that was quite functional
Kind regards
@xiaodai I will keep this in mind if I need to do this a lot more
You could also do the following
julia> x = "a string [m]";
julia> t = findfirst('[', x);
julia> x2 = x[1:(t-1)] |> strip
"a string"
just remember that this works when you know that you have a space before [
(which is ASCII so you can safely subtract 1
otherwise prevind
has to be used)