I have a dataframe having default(not given) column names 
Column1 Column2 Column3

and after removing Column containing missing
values using df=df[!, Not(all.(ismissing, eachcol(df)))]
it looks like 

I want to assign them default column names again so that column names becomes
Column1 Column2
I donβt want to rename them manually using rename!(df, [:Column1, :Column2]
I am not sure what you mean by βI donβt want to rename them manuallyβ. Assuming you mean that you donβt want to hard code the names, you could do
julia> df = DataFrame(rand(4,3), :auto)
4Γ3 DataFrame
Row β x1 x2 x3
β Float64 Float64 Float64
1 β 0.522163 0.668836 0.808715
2 β 0.974633 0.729561 0.649561
3 β 0.236896 0.00306799 0.0709158
4 β 0.318055 0.758109 0.641894
julia> df2 = select(df, Not(:x2))
4Γ2 DataFrame
Row β x1 x3
β Float64 Float64
1 β 0.522163 0.808715
2 β 0.974633 0.649561
3 β 0.236896 0.0709158
4 β 0.318055 0.641894
rename!(df2, names(df2) .=> names(df)[1 : ncol(df2)])
4Γ2 DataFrame
Row β x1 x2
β Float64 Float64
1 β 0.522163 0.808715
2 β 0.974633 0.649561
3 β 0.236896 0.0709158
4 β 0.318055 0.641894
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I want to remove any column containing only missing
A somewhat wordy solution:
julia> select(df, [n for n in names(df) if !all(ismissing, df[!, n])])
2Γ2 DataFrame
Row β a b
β Int64 Int64
1 β 1 3
2 β 2 4
I canβt think of a less wordy way of doing it. Probably something DataFrames.jl could add eventually tbh.
There is a way to do this with names
julia> select(df, names(df, (all.(ismissing, eachcol(df))) .== false))
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Is there a reason (or more) for not defining the length of the inverted indexes?
# rename(df[:,Not(m)],names(df)[1:ncol(df)-length(m)])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::InvertedIndex{Vector{String}})
@rocco_sprmnt21 Thanks for your answer, but i was able to remove missing
column by using regex and proper delimiter .
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Bravo. Prevenire Γ¨ meglio che curare!
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