Remove additional rule that parameters must match for dispatch

Can someone tell what this change brings?

Can you show me an example what it enabled?


In Julia v0.6, this doesn’t work:

julia> f(x::Union{Symbol, Vector{T}}) where {T} = "hello"
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(:foo)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Symbol)
Closest candidates are:
  f(::Union{Array{T,1}, Symbol}) where T at REPL[1]:1

because Julia v0.6 required that the parameter T must be defined by the type of the function arguments (in this case, x::Symbol). . When you pass a Symbol as x, though, T is not defined and the method doesn’t match, even though it should work just fine for a Symbol argument.

In Julia v0.7 this requirement is removed:

julia> f(x::Union{Symbol, Vector{T}}) where {T} = "hello"
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(:foo)

and the function will work, as long as you don’t actually use the value of T (since it’s still not defined when x is a Symbol).


FWIW I’ve run into this limitation on a real project. See Understanding the use of Union with parametric types for a brief discussion. I didn’t know the issue had been addressed. That’s cool!