I want to share some results with a college so that he can have a look at the data himself.
Plotly can export an HTML which is interactive, but WGLMakie can not (as far as I known). It is mainly time series charts where it would be nice to pan and zoom around.
I have this very basic app to test the approach, but it appears to be not relocatable.
module MakieTestApp
using GLMakie
function julia_main()::Cint
# do something based on ARGS?
fig1 = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig1[1, 1])
lines!(ax1, cumsum(randn(100)))
lines!(ax1, cumsum(randn(100)))
lines!(ax1, cumsum(randn(100)))
screen2 = GLMakie.Screen()
display(screen2, fig1)
fig2 = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig2[1, 1])
screen1 = GLMakie.Screen()
display(screen1, fig2)
return 0 # if things finished successfully
end # module MakieTestApp
SystemError: opening file "C:\\Users\\KaisermayerV\\.julia\\packages\\GLMakie\\QOOnq\\assets\\shader\\postprocessing/fullscreen.vert": No such file or directory
Which should test for not existing ./julia/packages/**…
Not sure what’s going wrong in your case… Could you maybe try the code from the test and see if that passes, and then figure out what you do differently from there?
Building new paths from, for example, ASSETS in the above example will return a String containing the resolved path rather than a Path object. Doing this at the module-level will result in hardcoded paths that will run into relocatability issues as discussed above. Always create a new @path for each resource you wish to reference rather than building them in parts, e.g.