I have a C++ Gym exposed as a C .dll/.so whose API was originally designed to be used for a Python OpenAI Gym using ctypes. Specifically, this only relies on “Box” for both action and observation; the continuous, multidimensional, space. In Python, one creates a “Box” by passing two parallel arrays, one of “high” range values, one for “now”, and the C API aligns with this idea.
For a toy test case, I’ve ginned up an example. The C code is thus:
int get_action_len() {
printf("In get_action_len\n");
int len = get_action_space(NULL, NULL, 0);
return len;
int get_action_space(double obs_low[], double obs_high[], int len) {
printf("In get_action_space. length=%d\n", len);
if(NULL != obs_low && NULL != obs_high) {
obs_low[0] = -1.0;
obs_high[0] = 1.0;
return 1;
And as it stands, this is the Julia code I’ve created:
function RLBase.action_space(env::DLLGymEnv)
action_len = ccall(("get_action_len", "../empty_gym"), Cint, ())
arr_high = Array{Cdouble}(undef, action_len)
arr_low = Array{Cdouble}(undef, action_len)
new_action_len = ccall(("get_action_space", "../empty_gym"), Cint, (Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint),
arr_high, arr_low, action_len)
# I don't know what to do here to create a thing to return
What should I be doing to close the loop for the last line? [Obligatory “this is my first time using Julia; I’ve been using C for several decades, python for about 3 years, and Julia for about an hour and a half”]
Thank you !