I have a problem with a script that loads a JLD2 file. When I run it from bash it works fine, but if I run it block by block in Juno first of all I get constant recompiles due to stale cache files (which frequently fail), and the the JLD2 load fails due to MethodError: Cannot convert
an object of type getfield(JLD2.ReconstructedTypes, Symbol(“##Main.##6#8#378”)) to an object of type Function after the usual slew of reconstructed warnings…
The Julia and Juno/Atom start up files are empty, everything has been updated. I already tried wiping my .julia directory. Does anyone have any hints for how to deal with this situation or how to debug it further? Unfortunately the code depends on unpublished library so not working minimal example quite yet.
Again, when running everything from the command line with “julia script.jl” it works fine (no reconstructed warnings) and produces the plots I want, etc…