If I use readlines(\
ls`)` in v 0.5 (precompiled binary) there is no problem, however in v 0.6 (Version 0.6.0-dev.2375) I get
> readlines(`ls`)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching readlines(::Cmd)
Closest candidates are:
readlines() at io.jl:214
readlines(::AbstractString; chomp) at io.jl:210
readlines(::IO; chomp) at io.jl:214
Now interestingly a help request in v 0.5 shows that there is no “method matching readlines(::Cmd)” either, but still it runs. I wonder if there has been a change in what is understood by an IOStream in the two versions of Julia, or the description of what the ::Cmd symbol does?
I tried adding a boolean for chomp but it did not like that either.
What does the candidate readlines() with no expected argument do? It appears to be waiting for STDIN?