I’m reading a problem from .lp into Julia. I’ve tried various xpress.optimizer params - the problem is infeasible. The reason is b/c the model isn’t read exactly as it’s defined in the .lp file - some constraints get modified. I’ve tried enforcing LP format when reading .lp file using:
model = MOI.FileFormats.Model(format = MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_LP) MOI.read_from_file(model, probPath)
but then set_optimizer doesn’t like that model as a parameter…so that the code doesn’t run: set_optimizer(model, ()->Xpress.Optimizer(DEFAULTALG = 1, PRESOLVE = 1, logfiset_optimizerle = “lp.log”)) - and i’ve tried different options for the optimizer…
That was extremely helpful. But how can i see the log file or the details from the solver - to make sure that indeed it was solved successfully and obj cost makes sense? i.e. with jump i’m able to do both - specify the log file and to call/output: solution_summary(model)
outputting println(prob) is not sufficient:
Xpress Problem:
type : LP
sense : minimize
number of variables = 248
number of linear constraints = 113
number of quadratic constraints = 0
number of sos constraints = 0
number of non-zero coeffs = 1365
number of non-zero qp objective terms = 0
number of non-zero qp constraint terms = 0
number of integer entities = 0
Appreciate your help!