Is it possible to use KNetArrays from within a custom GPU kernel function? The following MWE fails:
using Knet
using GPUArrays
knArray = KnetArray(rand(4,4))
function kernel(state, knArray)
temp = knArray[1]
gpu_call(kernel, CuArray(knArray), (knArray,), 1)
[1] _nextind_str at strings/string.jl:141
[2] nextind at strings/string.jl:137
[3] _nextind_str at strings/string.jl:141
[4] _split at strings/util.jl:325
[5] env_override_minlevel at logging.jl:419
[6] current_logger_for_env at logging.jl:383
[7] #find_library#1 at <home>/.julia/packages/CUDAapi/K94wY/src/discovery.jl:37
[8] find_cuda_library at <home>/.julia/packages/CUDAapi/K94wY/src/discovery.jl:184
[9] getErrorString at <home>/.julia/packages/Knet/LjPts/src/gpu.jl:350
[10] _unsafe_copy! at <home>/.julia/packages/Knet/LjPts/src/karray.jl:347
[11] kernel at <home>/Projects/ML/interface-reconstruction/ML/mwe.jl:7
Following the stacktrace, I see the following call is made when I try to read from the array:
pointer(dest,doffs), pointer(src,soffs), n*sizeof(T), 2)
I’m not exactly sure what this is doing, but it looks to me like it may be trying to call a separate kernel to copy the value, which would explain why it’s failing.
I suspect this is a misuse of KNetArrays on my part, but I can’t figure out how to get around the need to write a custom kernel in my particular case, and I need it to operate on the data in a KNetArray. The kernel is part of the final layer of a CNN.
Thanks for any help you can give me.