Reading data text files delimited with both spaces & tabs


@GunnarFarneback, thanks for your response. The result is a matrix of Any that needs further parsing in order to use the convenience tools in DataFrames and DataFramesMeta to handle missings, etc. (my input example was too simple).

The following code (adapted from here) converts the matrix of Any into a dataframe, allowing further processing as indicated.

It does not seem to be as “efficient” as CSV.jl (where there is a lot of machinery for handling types, etc.) but it works and will mark your response as a solution, if no other ideas pop up.

using DelimitedFiles
M = readdlm(file)
header = M[1,:]
data = M[2:end,:]
df = DataFrame(data,:auto)
rename!(df, names(df) .=> Symbol.(header[:]))
