Reading data .mat files and merge them

I have multiples files .mat that are organized at the same way. They look like that:

# file name : Case_1 
# Created by Octave 4.2.0
# matrix
# other comments
1 2 3 
4 5 6

# vector

And I’d like to get these values and group them in two other files. Let’s assume the second file it’s like that:

# file name : Case_2
# Created by Octave 4.2.0
# matrix
# other comments
7 8 9 
10 11 12

# vector

So, the final files would look like that :

# file name :Merge Matrix Case_1 Case_2
# Created by Octave 4.2.0
# matrix
# other comments
1 2 3 7 8 9 
4 5 6 10 11 12

AND this other one:

# file name :Merge Vector Case_1 Case_2
# Created by Octave 4.2.0
# vector

Anyone know if it’s really possible to do it in Julia ? Thanks in advance!
p.s : I have no access to the code source in octave, I only have the output data.

using DelimitedFiles

function quick_and_dirty_read(filename)
    m = readdlm(filename; comments = true, comment_char = '#')
    vector_rows = isempty.(m[:, 2])
    Int.(m[.!vector_rows, :]), Float64.(m[ vector_rows, 1]) # modify types or do something else if necessary

reads the file, do the concatenation, then write it out similarly.

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Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, I have tried to install this pack but I got this error :

julia> Pkg.add("DelimitedFiles")
ERROR: unknown package DelimitedFiles
macro expansion at .\pkg\entry.jl:53 [inlined]
(::Base.Pkg.Entry.##1#3{String,Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet})() at .\task.jl:335

Do you have an idea? I actually use Juno for JuliaPro

I am guessing the answer was for 0.7/1.0. For 0.6, you don’t need to import anything for readdlm function.


that’s true thanks !!

Yes, since 1.0 is released I am now assuming that everyone uses that :wink:

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I have tried to change the type of my data, but I got this message:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Any})
Closest candidates are:
  zero(::Type{Union{Missings.Missing, T}}) where T at C:\JuliaPro-\pkgs-\v0.6\Missings\src\Missings
  zero(::Type{Base.LibGit2.GitHash}) at libgit2\oid.jl:106
  zero(::Type{Base.Pkg.Resolve.VersionWeights.VWPreBuildItem}) at pkg\resolve\versionweight.jl:82

My code is

for file in list_file
    data = readdlm(file; comments = true, comment_char = '#')
    vector_rows = isempty.(data[:, 2])
    float(data[vector_rows, :])  

I have also tried by using convert(Float64,data) but I got another error:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Array{Any,2} to an object of type Float64
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor Float64(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.

Do you have any idea how I could convert my data? Thanks in advance.

For the first error, it would be better to see the code that produced it.

For the second one, try float. (not the ., for broadcasting).

The error ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Any}) has been produced by the following code, using float():

# this code aims to get the values of a .mat file, then save it in dataframe 
# each file represents a period, so the goal is to concanet the files in order to  have all the periods into a SAME dataframe 
# in order to respect the standard model, the lignes and columns might be transposed. 
using DataFrames
list_file = readdir() # getting file names
key = "1" 
nb_hours = 24  
nb_points = 23 

list_file_real = [file for file in list_file if contains(file,key)]  # excluding unnecessary files
periods= ["1-1_31-3","1-4_30-6","1-7_30-9","1-10_31-12"]
# Getting the real order
# the information contained in the following lines and columns:[nb_hours+1:nb_hours + nb_points,1 ] don't need to be repeted so
# they can placed OUT of the loop
file = list_file_real[1]
data_temp = readdlm(file; comments = true, comment_char = '#')
vector_final_case1_ProbPower = data_temp[nb_hours+1:nb_hours + nb_points,1]

# list of arrays that will keep the values of each file 
matrix_test_case1 = []
vector_average_test_case1 =[]

matrix_test_case2 = [] 
vector_average_test_case2 = []

for file in list_file_real
    data = readdlm(file; comments = true, comment_char = '#')
    vector_rows = isempty.(data[:, 2])
    float(data[vector_rows, :]) 
    # case 1 data 
    probabilities_case1_data =transpose(data[1:nb_hours,1:nb_points]) 
    average_power_case1_data = data[nb_hours + nb_points+1:nb_hours + nb_points+nb_hours,1]

    push!(matrix_test_case1, probabilities_case1_data)
    # case 2 data 
    probabilities_case2_data = data[nb_hours + nb_points+nb_hours + 1:nb_hours + nb_points+nb_hours+nb_hours,1:nb_points] 
    average_power_case2_data = data[nb_hours + nb_points+nb_hours+nb_hours+nb_points+1:nb_hours + nb_points+nb_hours+nb_hours+nb_points+nb_hours,1]
    push!(matrix_test_case2, probabilities_case2_data)
    push!(vector_average_test_case2, average_power_case2_data)
