Re-creating MTK problems creates side effects (ModelingToolkit.jl)

I am following the somewhat recent tutorial on re-creating MTK problems. In summary, the function loss is defined, which remakes an ODEProblem by replacing the tunable portion of the parameters with the input argument, and then evaluates the loss function. Upon calling the loss function, the parameters in the original ODEProblem object (in the global scope) are mutated.

To reproduce, first run the code from the tutorial (can exclude the optimisation part). Then:

getter = getp(odeprob, [α, β, γ, δ])
getter(odeprob) # returns original parameter values
loss(ones(4), (odeprob, timesteps, data, setter, diffcache))
getter(odeprob) # returns ones, calling the loss function has mutated `odeprob`

Is this side effect intended? How can one avoid the side effect?

That’s not intended. Open a reproducer.

Here it is (mostly copy-pasted from the tutorial), should I post an issue on SciMLStructures.jl or elsewhere?

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

@parameters α β γ δ
@variables x(t) y(t)
eqs = [D(x) ~ (α - β * y) * x
       D(y) ~ (δ * x - γ) * y]
@mtkbuild odesys = ODESystem(eqs, t)

using OrdinaryDiffEq

odeprob = ODEProblem(
    odesys, [x => 1.0, y => 1.0], (0.0, 10.0), [α => 1.5, β => 1.0, γ => 3.0, δ => 1.0])
timesteps = 0.0:0.1:10.0
sol = solve(odeprob, Tsit5(); saveat = timesteps)
data = Array(sol)
# add some random noise
data = data + 0.01 * randn(size(data))

using SymbolicIndexingInterface: parameter_values, state_values
using SciMLStructures: Tunable, canonicalize, replace, replace!
using PreallocationTools

function loss(x, p)
    odeprob = p[1] # ODEProblem stored as parameters to avoid using global variables
    ps = parameter_values(odeprob) # obtain the parameter object from the problem
    diffcache = p[5]
    # get an appropriately typed preallocated buffer to store the `x` values in
    buffer = get_tmp(diffcache, x)
    # copy the current values to this buffer
    copyto!(buffer, canonicalize(Tunable(), ps)[1])
    # create a copy of the parameter object with the buffer
    ps = replace(Tunable(), ps, buffer)
    # set the updated values in the parameter object
    setter = p[4]
    setter(ps, x)
    # remake the problem, passing in our new parameter object
    newprob = remake(odeprob; p = ps)
    timesteps = p[2]
    sol = solve(newprob, AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()); saveat = timesteps)
    truth = p[3]
    data = Array(sol)
    return sum((truth .- data) .^ 2) / length(truth)

using SymbolicIndexingInterface

setter = setp(odeprob, [α, β, γ, δ]);
# `DiffCache` to avoid allocations
diffcache = DiffCache(canonicalize(Tunable(), parameter_values(odeprob))[1]);

getter = getp(odeprob, [α, β, γ, δ])
getter(odeprob) # returns original parameter values
loss(ones(4), (odeprob, timesteps, data, setter, diffcache))
getter(odeprob) # returns ones, calling the loss function has mutated `odeprob`

In case anyone runs into this issue, the solution is to create a copy when creating the DiffCache.

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