Rasterizing feature data

Thanks for the replies!

@joa-quim - This seems pretty easy, though I don’t have GMT installed because I couldn’t get past versioning issues with GMT and GDAL (mentioned in this thread).

@visr - This method seems easy enough as well, I just don’t have enough experience with GDAL (thought I could fumble around a bunch). I tried to save out the resulting raster with

AG.gdalrasterize(AG.Dataset(dataset.ptr), ["-of","MEM","-tr","0.05","0.05"]) do ds_raster
    # e.g. save the raster
    AG.write(ds_raster, "test.tif")

but no file gets saved. Is this the right way to go about it? The result of println tells me the resulting file is a 1x1 dataset, even when I use my real WKT, which seems odd.