(help request) using ArchGDAL.gdalwarp() for resampling a raster dataset

Hi all, I’m struggling to figure out how to use ArchGDAL.gdalwarp (currently only unsafe_gdalwarp is documented). ArchGDAL.gdalwarp’s first parameter being a function is a bit confusing as well.

Here’s the GDAL CLI version of what I’m trying to implement in ArchGDAL (params I already have in Julia are represented by the all caps strings):

    UPPER_EXTENT -te_srs WKT_STRING -tr X_RES Y_RES -r cubic \
    GDAL_DATASET output_dataset

I’m also hoping to return an ArchGDAL.Dataset if possible (without writing anything to disk).

Thanks for any help!

Okay! I think I figured it out…?

ds = ArchGDAL.read(path) do source
    ArchGDAL.gdalwarp([source], ["-t_srs", "$(wkt)",
                               "-te", "$(west_bound)", "$(south_bound)",
                               "$(east_bound)", "$(north_bound)",
                               "-te_srs", "$(wkt)",
                               "-tr", "$(step(x_dim))", "$(step(y_dim))",
                               "-r", "cubic"]) do warped
        band = ArchGDAL.getband(warped, 1)


We may as well wrap this in GeoData.jl, that could be a one liner

I can do a PR if you’d like. Feel free to create an issue in GeoData.jl and tag me! Can probably get to that next week. Also feel free to copy/paste the above if you want to implement it.

Done: https://github.com/rafaqz/GeoData.jl/issues/68


I have a similar issue trying to resample with gdalwarp(). I want to write a function to save both the warped dataset and the Matrix of the band for processing. I need the dataset to use the getgeotransform(dataset) and getproj(dataset) methods to retrieve the x/y from the row/col of the pixel.

From my understanding, it seems like gdalwarp() calls the unsafe_gdalwarp() method and then destroys the warped dataset. This is what I tried, but the returned dataset is NULL

function reproject_dem(param, output_bounds)
    dst_cs = AG.importEPSG(point2epsg(param.lon, param.lat)) #  UTM projected coordinate system
    AG.read(param.dem_file) do source 
        AG.gdalwarp([source], ["-t_srs", "$(AG.toWKT(dst_cs))",
                        "-te_srs", "$(AG.toWKT(dst_cs))",
                        "-r", "cubic"]) do warped
            AG.read(AG.getband(warped, 1))

Thanks for any help!

Rasters.jl wraps AG.gdalwarp for easy warping and resampling. The resample method is pretty straightforward compared to this.

And with GMT you can do things like

using GMT

julia> G = GMT.peaks();

julia> grdinfo(G)
11-element Vector{String}:
 ": Title: "
 ": Command: "
 ": Remark: "
 ": Gridline node registration used [Cartesian grid]"
 ": Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float), CF-1.7"
 ": x_min: -3 x_max: 3 x_inc: 0.125 name: x n_columns: 49"
 ": y_min: -3 y_max: 3 y_inc: 0.125 name: y n_rows: 49"
 ": v_min: -6.54166173935 v_max: 8.08391857147 name: z"
 ": scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0"
 ": format: classic"
 ": Default CPT: "

# Reinterpolate to 0.1
julia> G2 = gdalwarp(G, I=0.1);

julia> grdinfo(G2)
11-element Vector{String}:
 ": Title: "
 ": Command: "
 ": Remark: "
 ": Gridline node registration used [Cartesian grid]"
 ": Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float), CF-1.7"
 ": x_min: -3.0125 x_max: 2.9875 x_inc: 0.1 name: x n_columns: 61"
 ": y_min: -2.9875 y_max: 3.0125 y_inc: 0.1 name: y n_rows: 61"
 ": v_min: -6.54166173935 v_max: 8.08391857147 name: z"
 ": scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0"
 ": format: classic"
 ": Default CPT: "

Thank both of you for the replies!

I ended up using Rasters.warp() because I have to limit the output with a set of bounds defined in the destination CRS, and it seems not possible with Rasters.resample()

If you have time please make a github issue spelling out what should happen and why it doesn’t and I’ll fix it. resample should be able to handle this.

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