Random variables in Julia (working list)

  1. A pattern we see (at the top of this) is that when separate packages are created for individual distributions, they are less likely to be registered and more likely to stop being maintained when the creators no longer need them.
    SkewDist .jl, PearsonDistribution .jl, GeneralizedLambdaDistribution .jl, GKDistribution.jl, PowerLaws .jl, PowerLaw .jl, GenInvGaussian .jl, MNIG .jl, ConditionalMvNormals .jl, RandomMatrices.jl

  2. Smaller packages are also harder to discover.
    Eg Users have searched for SkewNormal w/o knowing about SkewDist .jl

  3. There are far more eyes on bigger packages such as Distributions .jl. When a distribution is added there, other users regularly report bugs & submit PRs w/ bug fixes & improvements.
    For example, the Beta was added years ago by one set of users, but was improved/updated w/ various PRs by other users over the years.
    Looking at the data above, users seem less likely to try to maintain & submit PRs to small private packages.

  4. We’ve discussed the pros & cons of this on Discourse & elsewhere.

Good luck w/ your decision & I can’t wait to try out your package.

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