This doesn’t work (latter line)… And why are you using MersenneTwister? It’s outdated/slower.
The new default rng is:
julia> using Random
julia> rng = Xoshiro(42);
julia> v = rand(rng)
and it IS (still) reproducible since it was adopted e.g. at least in 1.10 (LTS) and 1.11. It’s not available in the older 1.6 then-LTS, but there’s really no good reason to use it or try to support it with new code.
help?> rand
rand([rng=default_rng()], [S], [dims...])
Despite stating that you need to look it up with the implied module prefix:
julia> Random.default_rng() # This actually means, i.e. is implemented by, Xoshiro, though that could change:
help?> TaskLocalRNG
search: TaskLocalRNG
The TaskLocalRNG has state that is local to its task, not its thread. It is seeded upon task creation, from the state of its parent task [..]
Using or seeding the RNG of any other task than the one returned by current_task() is undefined behavior: it will work most of the time, and may sometimes fail silently.
│ Julia 1.10
│ Task creation no longer advances the parent task's RNG state as of Julia 1.10.
You CAN instantiate Xoshiro yourself, if you don’t it will be seeded randomly and asking for reproducable random numbers seems an oxymoron to me…
But if you do it yourself with a known seed then it will give a defined number (integer) sequence, as with:
julia> rand(UInt64)
I do not expect it [clarification, Xoshiro, not rand for non-int] to ever change. The only reason I see for changing it is if it is found to be flawed (not likely faster will ever be found). Though in you generate floating-point numbers, then inherently you first generate integer then with a different algorithm the float number from it. I don’t know, that might not be optimal and could be changed.
IF Xoshiro is retired, then I suppose a new one, again with a new name will be adopted, it seems not useful to keep that name, but TaskLocalRNG will likely be kept, pointing to a new one, and both the new and old will keep giving you random numbers.
I’m kind of curious WHY the MersenneTwister started giving new integer and floating point number, while Xoshiro kept both reproducable.