Quiver plot using PlotlyJS backend not showing arrowhead

Hi, I’m using plotlyjs backend to make a simple quiver plot, it looks like this

where arrow heads are not shown. If I switch to GR I get the following wit arrow heads

So how do I make arrow heads shown with plotlyjs? I tried arrow=0.1, arrow=true etc. without any luck. I searched and couldn’t find any answer.

If not possible under `plotlyjs’, under ‘gr’ how can I change style and size of the arrow heads?

I also noticed that, see [BUG] `quiver` plots show no arrow heads with `plotlyjs()` · Issue #4593 · JuliaPlots/Plots.jl · GitHub

In one of our projects, we used a workaround - we just used an older version of Plots.jl but then needed to implement some workarounds for other problems locally, see https://github.com/ranocha/2023_modeling_matters/blob/80f121be311dbf90cf3d5bd49a69d74657a48b6b/notebook.jl#L914-L921

I had the same problem recently, so I’m bringing this post back up. Now the time is February 2025, and the issue is still unresolved. :cry:

using Plots
quiver(0, 0, quiver=(1, 1), arrow=:closed)

gives you an empty plot.

This is more of an upstream issue in the julia PlotlyJS package (there is no standard quiver plot even in the main JavaScript library, they only have a python workaround fully relying internally on plain scatter plots).

See this relevant issue from the PlotlyJS.jl repository:

Until this feature is available in the backend itself, there is really nothing the Plots package can do to enable this

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Thank you for providing accurate information on the source of the problem. I understand.

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