I am new to Julia and tried to plot the gradient field of a loss function. I can get the lengths of the arrows by norm(dx, dy). But I don’t know how to convert a vector of values (lengths) into a vector of colors or how to specify a color based on a value.
My plot order looks like this:
""pl=quiver(Kp_plot, Ki_plot, quiver=(grad_Kp, grad_Ki), xlims=(Kp_plot[1],Kp_plot[end]) ,ylims=(Ki_plot[1],Ki_plot[end]) “”
Thank you for this really quick response!
I already saw this post, but didn’t quite understand the argument line_z and how I could use it for my example. I found another code example with
Another way, that might be a bit simpler but, in pyplot() the arrow-head colors do not look good while they are fine in gr() …
using Plots
x , y = rand(10), rand(10)
dx, dy = rand(10), rand(10)
c = sqrt.(dx .^2 .+dy .^2)
c = [c c]'
quiver(x,y,quiver=(dx,dy),line_z=repeat([c...], inner=2), c=:thermal)
It looks nice but the color doesn’t seem to be strictly related to the length of the arrows. I have no idea why. The ones in the middle are the shortest and therefor should be less bright than the upper ones.
GR seems to not support the arrow series type so they draw the arrows using the shape series type.
If you want to customize it you could also plot other shapes using that method.
This would explain the multiple color values.
I didn’t completely understand what’s going on with the inner= -part. But I tried to understand the code example from the link above. I did the following:
Arrow position.
x = collect(0:10) # we have 11 points, not 10 !
y = fill(0., 10)
Arrow direction.
u = fill(1., 10)
v = fill(10., 10) # I think the (1,10) here was a typo
Arrow color.
c = collect(1:11) # or 0:10, but not 1:10
plt = quiver(x, y, quiver=(u, v), line_z=c, c=:viridis)
I gave my example another try with as many lengths as arrows. And it worked out after all ! Now I only have to change the sombreros. But I’m already delighted. I couldn’t have done that without your help!