In this my code the Dataframe appears only one line. I’d like him to keep all the movement data.
using Printf
v₀ = 3 # velocidade inicial
g = 9.81 # aceleração da gravidade
t = range(0,1, length=100) # 1000 pontos no intervalo de 0 a 1.
y= @.v₀t - 0.5g*t^2 # fórmula para calcular a altura
i = 1 #declarando uma variável global
while y[i] >= 0
global i+=1 #println(“t(s):”,@sprintf(“%.3f”,t[i]), " / y(m):“,@sprintf(”%.3f",y[i]))
DataFrame(tempo=t[i], posição=y[i])
println(df) #plot(t,y) #plot!(xlab=“Tempo (s)”, ylab=" Altura (m)")
First, it’s always a good idea to quote your code with backticks ``` like this:
using Printf
v₀ = 3 # velocidade inicial
g = 9.81 # aceleração da gravidade
t = range(0,1, length=100) # 1000 pontos no intervalo de 0 a 1.
y= @.v₀t - 0.5g*t^2 # fórmula para calcular a altura
i = 1 #declarando uma variável global
while y[i] >= 0
global i+=1
#println(“t(s):”,@sprintf("%.3f",t[i]), " / y(m):",@sprintf("%.3f",y[i]))
DataFrame(tempo=t[i], posição=y[i])
#plot!(xlab=“Tempo (s)”, ylab=" Altura (m)")
Second, I think this might be what you are trying to do?
using DataFrames
using Plots
v₀ = 3
g = 9.81
t = range(0,1, length=100)
y = [v₀ * t - 0.5g * t^2 for t in t]
df = DataFrame(tempo=t, posição=y)
plot(t, y, xlab="Tempo (s)", ylab="Altura (m)", legend=false)
If this is the case, I’d suggest working through some of the Julia intro materials at to flesh out your Julia toolbox a bit. That being said, keep asking questions here and have a look at this: Please read: make it easier to help you - #10