Questions about JULIA_CPU_TARGET

I want to build a docker container that will run on Amazon EC2 M6a and M7a instances. These have Zen 3 / Zen 4 based AMD Epyc processors.
Now the docker container should contain some already precompiled juila packages. For the precompile cache to be reusable on the cloud machines, I need to specify a CPU target.
I came up with the following and want to check if I understand it correctly:


When julia looks for a precompile cache, it will roughly do the following:

  • It looks at the first target, generic. Except for very exotic ISA this will match.
    However, before picking it, it will also look at the other target.
  • Next target is znver3. This would match M6a (=Zen3) and M7a (=Zen4), since Zen4 is a superset of Zen3. It would not be a match for most intel cpus.
  • Last target is znver4. This would be a match only for M7a (=Zen4).

So M6a (=Zen3) would pick up the znver3 target while M7a (=Zen4) would pick up the znver4 target.

Now for the flags clone_all and base(1).

  • znver3,clone_all means that every single function in the precompile cache will be duplicated with a version specialized for znver3 instruction set.
  • znver4,base(1)" means that for znver4 we don’t clone every single function. Instead, LLVM uses a heuristic to either decide to clone a function or fall back to the znver3 version. Why znver3? Because of base(1) where 1 is the zero-based index of znver3 in the above.

Do I get this correctly so far?

Here is another example, that I think would not do what I want:
Here the Zen4 CPU would also pick up the znver3 because it is the rightmost. Do I get this correctly as well?

Also how to debug this? Can I ask julia or LLVM or some other tool which target was chosen when loading a precompile cache? Or why a certain target is not a match?

ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "loading"

and then you can parse the .ji file corresponding to the shared library that had been loaded, e.g.:
you see

┌ Debug: Loading object cache file /home/me/.julia/compiled/v1.11/Example/ [...]
└ @ Base loading.jl:1282

and then you run the command


For comparison, you can see what’s the current target with


JULIA_DEBUG="loading" should be helpful to explain why a certain pkgimage was rejected (e.g. compiled for incompatible target).


@giordano awesome this is very useful!

Given a cache file with multiple targets, can I find out which one was used? Especially if Base.current_image_targets() is not present in the file?

I don’t know, you’ll have to read julia/base/loading.jl at f209eba244d55afbf7aeff298434deba4fcbe30a · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub and see if/where that decision is taken and perhaps add debug logging if not there already (and submit a PR so that everybody can benefit)

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