I am trying to understand the command sortrows using the option “by”.
If I have a 3x2 array v:
v = [1 2; 2 4; 3 1]
If I want to sort it by the second column, then I have to do:
u=sortrows(v, by=x -> x[2])
I understand that the construction x → x is an anonymous function.
However, why the construction x -> x[2] means that it should sort array v by the 2nd column ? Can someone provide a little bit more of detail about it ?
Checking the docs for sortrows! tells you to check the docs for sort! to find out about keyword arguments:
help?> sort!
The by keyword lets you provide a function that will be applied to each element before comparison;
So as the elements are rows x -> x[2] will return the entry in the second column of the row currently being sorted. And that will be used for comparison.