I’m playing around with Flux.jl, and I came across an error that I have some questions about.
With a Dense
layer, I can provide a matrix input in which each column represents a single input value. Additionally, the number of columns can change in subsequent calls. For example,
m = Dense(3, 2)
m(rand(3, 10))
m(rand(3, 2))
is perfectly fine.
Similarly, with RNN
and LSTM
(and presumably with other recurrent networks), I can provide a matrix input in which each column represents a single input value. However, the number of columns must remain the same in subsequent calls. (However, vectors seem to be treated differently.) For example,
m = RNN(3, 2)
m(rand(3, 10))
m(rand(3, 2)) # ERROR: DimensionMismatch
fails with a DimensionMismatch
The error originally occurred because I was using training and test sets in matrix form with different numbers of columns. It seems that the issue can be sidestepped with something like the following
columns(A::Matrix) = (@view(A[:, j]) for j = 1 : size(A, 2))
m.(columns(rand(3, 10))
m.(columns(rand(3, 2))
if the data is in matrix form.
It is unclear to me why the error occurs with recurrent networks. Should I not be using matrices as I described? Should there not be an error with the recurrent networks? Is the code working with the Dense
network as an artifact of the implementation? Is there a recommended shape for the data? For instance, other deep-learning frameworks seem to insist that data be coerced into a tensor (e.g., with specific dimensions corresponding to things such as batches and timesteps).
I apologize if I’ve missed something simple somewhere, but I’ve been getting some cryptic errors, and this seems to be the root cause of one of them.