QuantumOptics.jl Time dependent Hamiltonian definition

I’m having some problems trying to implement the evolution of a time dependent Hamiltonian using the TimeDependentSum method, as recommended in the documentation. In the documentation the Hamiltonian

H = sin(t)*sigmax

is implemented as

H = TimeDependentSum(sin=>sx)

where sx was defined previously.
What i want to implement is the Hamiltonian

H_interest = [w1*(1-t)+ w2* t ] * [cos(t)*sigmax + sin(t)*sigmay]

I know that i can use tuples to define something like

H = TimeDependentSum((sin,cos),(sx,sz))

But I cant find a way to define my the Hamiltonian I need. Looks like a very basic question but its giving me a headache, thank you all in advance
Here’s a screenshot of my code that works with what i want in the comments