I would like to display an equation using Latexify in the VS Code IDE.
The MWE is
# test_latexify_main.jl
using Symbolics
using Latexify
function main()
@variables x, t
@variables Φ(x, t)
Dx = Differential(x)
D2x = Dx * Dx
Dt = Differential(t)
# Dimensionless simple reaction-diffusion equation
∂Φ∂t = D2x(Φ) - Φ^2
println("∂Φ∂t = ", ∂Φ∂t, "\n")
which I runs as a script in the Julia REPL
julia> include(“test_latexify_main.jl”)
resulting in the output to terminal
∂Φ∂t = Differential(x)(Differential(x)(Φ(x, t))) - (Φ(x, t)^2)
- \left( \Phi\left( x, t \right) \right)^{2} + \frac{d(d / (d * x))(\Phi(x, t))}{dx}
How to render this to a PDF or graphical image?
Julia 1.7.3
Windows 11
Thanks for your suggestion and link.
I had tried using render
rather than display
as per the documentation
which resulted in the following output
julia> include("test_latexify_main.jl")
∂Φ∂t = Differential(x)(Differential(x)(Φ(x, t))) - (Φ(x, t)^2)
- \left( \Phi\left( x, t \right) \right)^{2} + \frac{d(d / (d * x))(\Phi(x, t))}{dx}
dvilualatex: security risk: running with elevated privileges
ERROR: LoadError: failed process: Process(`dvilualatex --interaction=batchmode 'C:\Users\AUDRIU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_Pf2Br11rCk.tex'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
I have no idea what the above error message means.
It means this command failed:
dvilualatex --interaction=batchmode 'C:\Users\AUDRIU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_Pf2Br11rCk.tex'
To debug it, try opening PowerShell (or some other shell if you have a favorite), and run
cd C:\Users\AUDRIU~1\AppData\Local\Temp
dvilualatex --interaction=batchmode jl_Pf2Br11rCk.tex
This may be off topic, but unless you need to generate a lot of these fully automatically, you might want to try something like KLatexFormula with the latexify code pasted in. It’s easier to control the latex enviro, make adjustments, choose output format, etc.
You also need the package: “LaTeXStrings” to render a LaTeX-String
using Latexify, LaTeXStrings
latexify(L"\Huge\int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1},dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15}", render=true);
Ran your example in a script and directly in the REPL.
Same error message for both
julia> using LaTeXStrings
julia> using Latexify
julia> latexify(L"\Huge\int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1},dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15}", render=true);
ERROR: failed process: Process(`lualatex --interaction=batchmode 'C:\Users\AUDRIU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_9VPRJ56YK7.tex'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
Perhaps you have another problem in your OS ?
On my PC the script and in the REPL the LaTEX-strings are rendered correct.
Julia (not in VSC) renders a .PDF