still researching / thinking 
1.) “DEBIAN” best practice
the debian using a watch_file
format and uscan tool
cat upstream-status.json.cgi | grep '"status"' | sort | uniq -c
3344 "status": "error",
7195 "status": "newer package available",
898 "status": "only older package available",
12 "status": "package available",
19710 "status": "up to date",
2.) Fedora -
“Anitya is a release monitoring project.
Its goal is to regularly check if a project has made a new release. When Anitya discovers a new release for a project, it publishes a RabbitMQ message via fedora messaging. This makes it easy to integrate with Anitya and perform actions when a new release is created for a project. For example, the Fedora project runs a service called the-new-hotness which files a Bugzilla bug against a package when the upstream project makes a new release.”
example geos: GEOS · Anitya
3.) Repology
example - “geos” package"
connect to udd
psql "postgresql://"
and check the watch_file
psql (12.10 (Ubuntu 12.10-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 11.14 (Debian 11.14-0+deb10u1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
udd=> \dt+ upstream*
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
public | upstream | table | udd | 12 MB |
public | upstream_metadata | table | udd | 4768 kB |
public | upstream_status | table | udd | 4928 kB |
(3 rows)
udd=> select * from upstream where source like 'geos';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
source | geos
version | 3.10.2-1
distribution | debian
release | sid
component | main
watch_file | version=4 +
| opts=\ +
| dversionmangle=s/\+(debian|dfsg|ds|deb)\d*$//,\ +
| uversionmangle=s/(\d)[_\.\-\+]?((RC|rc|pre|dev|beta|alpha)\d*)$/$1~$2/;s/RC/rc/ \+
| \ +
| (?:|.*/)geos-(?:[_\-]v?|)(\d\S*)\.(?:tar\.xz|txz|tar\.bz2|tbz2|tar\.gz|tgz) +
signing_key_pgp |
signing_key_asc |
debian_uversion | 3.10.2
debian_mangled_uversion | 3.10.2
upstream_version | 3.10.2
upstream_url |
errors |
warnings |
status | up to date
last_check | 2022-05-21 00:21:20.012495
fedora : geos: GEOS · Anitya Latest version : 3.10.2
the Julia geos_jll
does not contain the patched versions.
side note:
- debian uscan
(more simple version ) is under developments:
- maybe we can link JLL packages to other repo metadata?
- or just using uscan tool and metadata format.
- setting “safe update policy” for every package
- “patch” changes
- “minor” changes: Postgresql using this … and safe to update.
- “manual” - …
- maybe we can add the “key-value” metadata
- wikidata ID :
- upstream bug reporting
- upstream documentation
so for the metadata for geos_jll
i.e. the format could be :
- repology_id=geos
- watch_file=
< debian uscan v=5? format >
( alternative )
- safeupdatepolicy=
- metadata (key-value)