PyPlot Continuing?

The error on 0.6 is just because you haven’t installed/loaded 3d plotting in Python—it’s not a bug.

(Unfortunately Anaconda doesn’t install the 3d plotting by default with matplotlib these days, due to some dependency conflict in the basemap package IIRC, but you can install basemap manually if you don’t mind Conda downgrading some versions. See: Error installing PyPlot: The Python package mpl_toolkits.mplot3d could not be found by pyimport - #13 by stevengj)

As for 0.7, it will eventually happen but 0.7 is not suitable for general use at this point. PyCall itself only works on 0.7 if you have master versions of other packages (specifically MacroTools), and was only just fixed again today (due to recent changes in 0.7).