I get the following deprecation warning
Warning: `getindex(o::PyObject, s::AbstractString)` is deprecated in favor of dot overloading (`getproperty`) so elements should now be accessed as e.g. `o."s"` instead of `o["s"]`.
│ caller = addChartToWorkbook!(workbook::PyCall.PyObject, worksheet::PyCall.PyObject, chartDict::Dict{AbstractString, Dict{AbstractString, Any}}, location::String) at charts.jl:61
it relates to the second last line of this code snippet.
I don’t know how to fix this as in my case the key s
is a variable in my julia code.
Any ideas?
function addChartToWorkbook!(workbook::PyCall.PyObject, worksheet::PyCall.PyObject, chartDict::Dict{AbstractString,Dict{AbstractString,Any}}, location::AbstractString) # ;properties=["set_x_axis", "set_y_axis","set_legend"])
chart = PyCall.pycall(workbook."add_chart", PyCall.PyAny, chartDict["add_chart"])
stopboolean = true
i = 1
local thiskey
while stopboolean
thiskey = string("series", i)
if haskey(chartDict, thiskey)
PyCall.pycall(chart."add_series", PyCall.PyAny, chartDict[thiskey])
stopboolean = false
break # if there is no series2 then we assume there is no series 3 to n either
i += 1
# check if this is a combined chart
thiskey = "combChart"
i2 = 1
stopboolean = true
if haskey(chartDict, thiskey)
second_chart = PyCall.pycall(workbook."add_chart", PyCall.PyAny, chartDict[thiskey])
while stopboolean
thiskey = string("series_comb", i2)
if haskey(chartDict, thiskey)
PyCall.pycall(second_chart."add_series", PyCall.PyAny, chartDict[thiskey])
stopboolean = false
break # if there is no series2 then we assume there is no series 3 to n either
i2 += 1
# combine the charts
PyCall.pycall(chart."combine", PyCall.PyAny, second_chart)
# set other properties
for x in keys(chartDict)
fieldsWhichAreAlreadySet = [convert(String, string("series", zz)) for zz in 1:i]
resevedKeywords = ["combChart","series_comb1","series_comb2","series_comb3", "series_comb4"] # currently limited to 1+4 series for combined charts
append!(fieldsWhichAreAlreadySet, ["add_series","add_chart"])
append!(fieldsWhichAreAlreadySet, resevedKeywords)
if !in(x, fieldsWhichAreAlreadySet)
PyCall.pycall(chart[x], PyCall.PyAny, chartDict[x]) # TBD: unclear how to fix this line... (deprecated syntax...)
PyCall.pycall(worksheet."insert_chart", PyCall.PyAny, location, chart)