Putting results of diffrent arrays for one variable in one array

Basically i have this small piece of code when i get:

function scan_maker(A)
    m = JuMP.Model(solver=ClpSolver(PrimalTolerance=1e-3, DualTolerance=1e-3, InfeasibleReturn=1, PresolveType=1))
    # m = Model(solver=GurobiSolver())
    level = size(A, 2)
    v = zeros(Int, level)
    ub = zeros(Int, level)
    lb = zeros(Int, level)

    @variable(m, x[1:level])
    @constraint(m, con, A*x.>=0)

    function setc(c)
        for i = 1:size(A, 1)
            m.linconstr[i].lb = float(c[i])
    function scan()
        i = 1
        init = 1
        while i > 0
            if i >= init
                @objective(m, Max, x[i])
                res = JuMP.solve(m, suppress_warnings=true)
                if res==:Optimal || res==:Unbounded
                    ub[i] = round(Int, getvalue(x[i]))
                    setobjectivesense(m, :Min)
                    res = JuMP.solve(m, suppress_warnings=true)
                    @assert res==:Optimal || res==:Unbounded
                    lb[i] = round(Int, getvalue(x[i]))

                    v[i] = lb[i]
                    init += 1
                    @assert res==:Infeasible
                    i -= 1
            elseif v[i] < ub[i]
                v[i] += 1
                setupperbound(x[i], Inf)
                setlowerbound(x[i], -Inf)
                init -= 1
                i -= 1

            if i >= level
                vs = []
                for v in vs
                setupperbound(x[i], v[i])
                setlowerbound(x[i], v[i])
                i += 1
    return setc, scan

i get this results :

vs = [[-1, 5]]
vs = [[0, 3]]
vs = [1, 1]]
vs = [[1, 2]]

now i want to get them as one array of multiple arrays as elements, something like this:
vs=[[-1,5], [0, 3],[1, 1],[1, 2]]
i’m facing problems to get that

you can have an empty vs=[] outside and then inside the loop: push!(vs, v)

but if you can show more of your code there may be an easier way.

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in this case i get :

vs = [[-1, 5]]
vs = [[0, 3]]
vs = [1, 1]]
vs = [[1, 2]]
julia> vs = []
0-element Array{Any,1}

julia> for i = 1:10
           if rand()>0.5
               v = rand(2)
               push!(vs, v)

julia> vs
6-element Array{Any,1}:
 [0.14439881432341228, 0.22161669979901455]
 [0.09006815010462144, 0.6563286253310212]
 [0.4658664346920076, 0.3135735783668123]
 [0.8744194417513451, 0.9958832473845809]
 [0.8495821037715046, 0.45366928857817346]
 [0.8439848284221538, 0.9645444501222658]

I assume your mistake is that you’re remaking vs=[] empty every loop

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when i do this :

                vs = []
                for i=1:length(v)

this is what i get:

vs = Any[[-1, 5], [-1, 5]]
vs = Any[[0, 3], [0, 3]]
vs = Any[[1, 1], [1, 1]]
vs = Any[[1, 2], [1, 2]] 

you’re pushing many of the same v into vs, can you paste more code? I mean, you saw how my example worked, you just gotta match them

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i have no problem of posting more code which i will do by editing the question :slight_smile:

i just edited it

clearly you’re re-defining vs = [] every while i > 0

and why are you pushing nothing into itself?

        vs = []
                for v in vs #vs here is empty, as defined in last line
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yes that was inside a while loop, isn’t it possible inside while loop?

The kind of loop isn’t important. The general pattern of this construction is

collection = []
<some loop construction that produces items>
    push!(collection, item)

In this case the loop that produces items is the while i > 0 on the third line of your scan function, so the initialization vs = [] must happen before that, i.e. at the very start of scan. Then inside the if i >= level condition you should only do push!(vs, v).

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in the code that i posted even when i put an empty array at the very begining of the function and put show after the loop i get only the last array in the following form:

vs = Any[[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]

4-element Array{Any,1}:
 [1, 2]
 [1, 2]
 [1, 2]
 [1, 2]

and i’m supposed to get :


Right, you are repeatedly modifying the same vector. In that case you need to do

push!(vs, copy(v))

to save the contents you had at respective time.

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yeas that’s what i did and it worked, finally!! :slight_smile: