Publication-ready plots


is there any “how-to” concerning publication-ready plots? For example, I used these commands, but only got a 600x400 pixels png.

using Plots
default(show = true)
plot(rand(10,4), linestyle=[:solid :dash])


I tried resizing manually the figure and then using “savefig” command, but it didn’t worked.

Thanks for any help!

edit - I know I can use eps output. But sometimes, some journal just does not accept them and insist on tiff or other bitmap format.

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Can you be more specific about what you’d like? Some possible attributes that you’ll want: size and dpi (see In addition, some backends are more “publication-ready” than others (see Feel free to ask questions in the gitter chat as well: tbreloff/Plots.jl - Gitter, though you should read through the docs first.



size and dpi was indeed what I was looking for. With these attributes, I can work my way :slight_smile:

How do i see the publication readyness in this?

e.g. the PGFPlots backend perfectly matches the style of latex documents.

IMO publication readyness is not a question of (image) resolution. Instead, you should use vector graphics formats, e,g, SVG, PDF, PS, PGF (all supported in gr(), but also in other Plots backends …)


I agree.

I’m generally using eps files, but strangely some journals in my field still insist on tiff files. I guess that I could simply use Inkscape and convert the eps file into tiff files.

FYI: The gr() SVG output can be edited in Inkscape and probably leads to better results …