Problems with MethodOfLines discretizing PDESystem involving equations of symbolic arrays

Hi, I’m using ModelingToolkit to do some work involving Riemannian geometry, and in particular would like to work with tensor fields in arbitrary dimension. The following is as close to a MWE as I can get my code, I think:

using Symbolics, MethodOfLines, LinearAlgebra, DomainSets, ModelingToolkit
dim = 3
@parameters p[1:dim]
@variables u(..) (g(..))[1:dim, 1:dim]
Dp = [Differential(pi) for pi in p]
# some boundary conditions for u on the boundary of a cube
bcs = [
    u(0, [p[i] for i in 2:dim]...) ~ 0,
    u(1, [p[i] for i in 2:dim]...) ~ 1,
        u([p[j] for j in 1:(i - 1)]..., 0, [p[j] for j in (i + 1):dim]...) ~ p[1]
        for i in 2:dim
        u([p[j] for j in 1:(i - 1)]..., 1, [p[j] for j in (i + 1):dim]...) ~ p[1]
        for i in 2:dim
domains = [(pi ∈ Interval(0, 1)) for i in 1:dim]

eqs = [
    g(p...) .~ I(dim) * (1 + 0.5 * sin(p[1])),
    # just a Laplacian equation, the exact form is not important, 
    # but it involves the metric tensor g,
    # which may be expensive to evaluate
        (Dp[i](inv(g(p...))[i, j] * sqrt(abs(det(g(p...)))) * Dp[j](u(p...)))) for
        i in 1:dim, j in 1:dim
    ]) ~ 0,
@named PDEsys = PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, p, [u(p...)])

dpi = 0.01
discretizer = MOLFiniteDifference([pi => dpi for pi in p])
prob = discretize(PDEsys, discretizer)

Creating the PDESystem works fine, but discretizing seems to get stuck on the first of the two eqs, namely the one involving the auxiliary variable g. It throws the error:

ERROR: LoadError: type Arr has no field lhs
  [1] getproperty(x::Symbolics.Arr{Any, 2}, f::Symbol)
    @ Base ./Base.jl:37
  [2] split_complex_eq(eq::Symbolics.Arr{Any, 2}, redvmaps::Vector{Pair{…}}, imdvmaps::Vector{Pair{…}})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/make_pdesys_compatible.jl:58
  [3] (::PDEBase.var"#132#140")(eq::Symbolics.Arr{Any, 2})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/make_pdesys_compatible.jl:109
  [4] _mapreduce(f::PDEBase.var"#132#140", op::typeof(vcat), ::IndexLinear, A::Vector{Any})
    @ Base ./reduce.jl:440
  [5] _mapreduce_dim(f::Function, op::Function, ::Base._InitialValue, A::Vector{Any}, ::Colon)
    @ Base ./reducedim.jl:365
  [6] mapreduce(f::Function, op::Function, A::Vector{Any})
    @ Base ./reducedim.jl:357
  [7] handle_complex(pdesys::PDESystem)
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/make_pdesys_compatible.jl:108
  [8] symbolic_discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/symbolic_discretize.jl:9
  [9] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…}; analytic::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/discretization_state.jl:58
 [10] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/discretization_state.jl:55

Stepping through with the Debugger seems to show that checking whether the equation is complex with !isequal(real(eq),eq) in hascomplex (further up in handle_complex returns true for the broadcasted equation. If I instead do not broadcast the equation involving g (i.e. use ~ instead of .~), I get an error

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching real(::SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Matrix{Real}})
  [1] hascomplex(term::SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Matrix{Real}})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/symbolic_utils.jl:292
  [2] hascomplex(eq::Equation)
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/symbolic_utils.jl:291
  [3] #127
    @ ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/make_pdesys_compatible.jl:86 [inlined]
  [4] _any(f::PDEBase.var"#127#135", itr::Vector{Equation}, ::Colon)
    @ Base ./reduce.jl:1220
  [5] any(f::Function, a::Vector{Equation}; dims::Function)
    @ Base ./reducedim.jl:1020
  [6] handle_complex(pdesys::PDESystem)
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/make_pdesys_compatible.jl:86
  [7] symbolic_discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/symbolic_discretize.jl:9
  [8] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…}; analytic::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/discretization_state.jl:58
  [9] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
    @ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/imf8O/src/discretization_state.jl:55

in that same hascomplex function. Am I missing something here? I’m still unsure if there is some way to tell PDESystem that I want to use g as an auxiliary variable, maybe that would fix something? Just inserting the expression for g in the differential equation for u directly (and removing the equation for g) seems to work, but I am summing over possibly quite a few dimensions and each evaluation of g may be expensive, so I’d like to avoid that.

I noticed that what I’m doing here is probably not how one is supposed to do this. I guess, I should not declare g as its own unknown variable but just do something like @register_array_simbolic g(p...) = ..., and then let the discretization automatically remove any duplicate computations of g. Can anyone confirm if this is the right approach? Should I maybe even do the same to avoid lots of computations of inv(g) occurring in the sum defining the second equation?

Apart from that I think I’ll just close this for now.

It shouldn’t be required, but right now not all optimization passes exist so doing some manually can help.

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