Problems with Lathe TrainTestSplit

I am attempting to use Lathe for Linear Regression but unfortunately the documentation is unreachable (webpage returns an error). All the tutorials that I have seen about it (e.g. here) plus the documentation presented when it throws an error all say the same thing but it doesn’t work so I am confused. I have a DataFrame called df and do the following:

# Train test split
using Lathe.preprocess: TrainTestSplit
train, test = TrainTestSplit(df, 0.75)

This gives this error:

ERROR: UndefVarError: dfTrainTestSplit not defined

If I try specifying the β€œat” parameter as is hinted in the command line documentation, then I get the error:

train, test = TrainTestSplit(df, at=0.75)
got unsupported keyword argument β€œat”

If I try anything else (like not specifying the percentage for instance) then I get the following error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching TrainTestSplit(::DataFrame)
Closest candidates are:
TrainTestSplit(::DataFrame, ::Float64)
TrainTestSplit(::Array, ::Float64)

So, this would suggest that the original call above specifying my data frame (df) and a percentage (0.75) is correct. I can see data frame and can do boxplots on it etc so I know that is not the problem, but without documentation I am lost.

P.S. I am using Julia 1.4.0 and have tried both Lathe (0.1.1) and Lathe#Butterball (0.1.2) and get the same result

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Hi @Jasper_Hall.
The most polished ML interface in Julia is MLJ.jl. I recommend you use them.
Their tutorials are a great place to start.


Thanks for the tip. There seem to be so many options with Julia for ML so it’s not always clear where to start. I will certainly give MLJ a look.

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Here’s an example that does 3 things:

  1. splits the data into train/test samples
  2. Trains a linear regression model (as you intended), out of sample score rmse=4.24
  3. Trains a LightGBM regression model, out of sample score rmse=2.7198
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(["MLJ", "MLJLinearModels"])

julia> using MLJ;
julia> X, y =  @load_boston;
julia> train, test = partition(eachindex(y), .7, rng=333);

julia> load("LinearRegressor", pkg="MLJLinearModels");
julia> m= LinearRegressor();
julia> mach = machine(m, X, y);
julia> fit!(mach, rows=train)
julia> fitted_params(mach)
julia> yΜ‚= predict(mach, rows=test)
julia> rms(yΜ‚, y[test])

julia> Pkg.add(["LightGBM"])
julia> load("LGBMRegressor", pkg="LightGBM");
julia> m= LGBMRegressor(num_iterations=100);
julia> mach = machine(m, X, y);
julia> fit!(mach, rows=train);
julia> #fitted_params(mach)  #long and messy
julia> yΜ‚= predict(mach, rows=test)
julia> rms(yΜ‚, y[test])

That’s very helpful - thanks. I have got this working on my data after I untangled both the need for coercing Float64 data to a scitype of continuous and then realising that I can’t have an array for X but it must be a table and you can’t seemingly have a table for y on the other hand. I’m sure the Developers of MLJ have reasons for all of this but it seems less than intuitive.

So far so good. I have the coeficients and the intercept but I want the P value and the T statistic. These are available using Lathe but aren’t even mentioned in the MLJ tutorial. Is there some call I can make to get these?

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  1. MLJ.jl is just an interface to various ML packages in the Julia ecosystem.
    Currently, the primary focus of MLJ.jl is to fit and predict not really statistical inference.
    However, after a model is fit you can extract the fitted parameters using fitted_params(mach). See updated code above.
  2. fit, predict, fitted_params works for basically any regression model.
    Only a few models have: t-stats, standard errors, p-values etc
    Currently MLJ.jl doesn’t have a standard method to extract these statistics.
    For this I would use GLM.jl directly.
  3. I’ve seen discussion about MLJ.jl incorporating some of these stats, but I don’t think it’s a priority right now.
    @tlienart @ablaom @dilumaluthge

I think incorporating statistics into MLJ.jl properly would take A LOT of work. For example to correctly estimate standard errors the MLJ.j user must make assumptions about the covariance matrix of the residual.

Suppose there existed MLJ.standard_error(mach)
-this wouldn’t make much sense for many models such as LightGBM (but let’s ignore this…)
Consider: y=X\beta +\varepsilon w/ \varepsilon \sim \Omega
MLJ.fitted_params(mach) would give the usual \hat{\beta}_{ols}
What should: MLJ.standard_error(mach) give?
If you wanna assume the usual \Omega = \sigma^2 I_n, then MLJ.standard_error(mach)=\frac{\hat{\varepsilon}'\hat{\varepsilon}}{(n-k)} I_n
But this is a heroic assumption (rarely used nowadays).
There is a giant literature on robust standard errors: Eicker-Huber-White, Clustered (Liang-Ziegler), spatially correlated, auto-correlated etc.
There are a variety of packages: @gragusa’s CovarianceMatrices.jl, @matthieu’s Vcov.jl, sadly I’m working on one too etc
Hence, this would require fitting 1. the original model & 2. the standard error model (scedastic function)


@ablaom and @tlienart may be able to weigh in further

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You can use MLJ to fit a GLM.jl model, and then you can get the p-values for that model via MLJ. I don’t remember the exact syntax- @ablaom will know.

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Here is the GLM interface to MLJ:
I cannot find p-values anywhere.
However they do have:

glm_report(fitresult) = ( deviance     = GLM.deviance(fitresult),
                          dof_residual = GLM.dof_residual(fitresult),
                          stderror     = GLM.stderror(fitresult),
                          vcov         = GLM.vcov(fitresult) )

Accessed by report(mach)

julia> report(mach)
(deviance = 8502.480903578471,
 dof_residual = 341.0,
 stderror = [0.036681269553499325, 0.01737166925431697, 0.07680917833638921, 4.81712249226012, 0.5341500317712217, 0.016323170996032966, 0.2541450592739458, 0.0841378254119214, 0.004680968995291761, 0.16998443628436907, 0.0033963935217423864, 0.0638108519702615, 6.360054287151586],
 vcov = [0.0013455155360564766 -6.088746040570593e-5 … -0.00039008348465676903 -0.008230320370078825; -6.088746040570593e-5 0.0003017748926813815 … -8.860618288494182e-5 -0.0014983861144144224; … ; -0.00039008348465676903 -8.860618288494182e-5 … 0.004071824829170625 -0.13449472260664377; -0.008230320370078825 -0.0014983861144144224 … -0.13449472260664377 40.450290535515265],)

This can be used to obtain t-stats:t_{\hat{\beta}}=\frac{\hat{\beta}-\beta_{0}}{ \hat{s.e.}\left(\hat{\beta}\right) } and then p-values =Pr\left(>|t|\right) under H_0.

A few observations:

  1. it doesn’t look like the current MLJ-GLM interface allows for p-values directly
  2. glm_report standard errors currently assume the covariance of the residual matrix is spherical \Omega =\sigma^2 I_n.
    If you’re only interested in out of sample prediction, you don’t care about this.
    If you are doing stat inference & wanna submit a paper to a science journal you need more flexibility.
    I’ve never seen a recent finance/econ paper that assumes \Omega =\sigma^2 I_n
  3. the only honest solution is for MLJ.jl to add a fit_skedastic!(mach, type) function, where type is the type of standard error the user wants to compute depending on her assumptions about the unknown \Omega.

It can work as follows:

#step 1 fit a linear model w/ your favorite MLJ linear regression
julia> load("LinearRegressor", pkg="MLJLinearModels");
julia> m= LinearRegressor();
julia> mach = machine(m, X, y);
julia> fit!(mach)

#step 2 use residuals from fit model to estimate the skedastic function
julia> SE1 = fit_skedastic(mach, spherical)  #usual naive standard errors
julia> SE2 = fit_skedastic(mach, EHW)  #EickerHuberWhite standard errors
julia> SE3 = fit_skedastic(mach, cluster(state,year))  #se clustered by state-year

MLJ.jl can actually be a great place bc recently there has been a lot of interest in using ML methods to estimate skedastic functions for better statistical inference.

This could be super-helpful to the research community (myself included) bc currently computing multiple standard errors is a royal pain. Journals often wanna see robust standard errors computed in different ways under various assumptions about the unknown data generating process. In a recent paper I computed standard errors using 11 different methods

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What happens if you fit a GLM.jl model with MLJ, and then you print the fitresult directly?


@show mach.fitresult

This should show the p-values and standard errors reported by GLM.jl

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yep, it spits out the same output as GLM.jl, but it assumes spherical errors and doesn’t allow the user to fit a custom skedastic function

julia> using MLJ;X, y =  @load_boston;train, test = partition(eachindex(y), .7, rng=333);

julia> load("LinearRegressor", pkg="GLM");
[ Info: Loading into module "Main":
import MLJModels βœ”
import GLM βœ”
import MLJModels.GLM_ βœ”

julia> m= LinearRegressor();

julia> mach = machine(m, X, y);

julia> fit!(mach, rows=train)
[ Info: Training Machine{LinearRegressor} @164.
Machine{LinearRegressor} @164 trained 1 time.
    1:  Source @649 ⏎ `Table{AbstractArray{Continuous,1}}`
    2:  Source @820 ⏎ `AbstractArray{Continuous,1}`

julia> @show mach.fitresult
mach.fitresult = GLM.GeneralizedLinearModel{GLM.GlmResp{Array{Float64,1},Distributions.Normal{Float64},GLM.IdentityLink},GLM.DensePredChol{Float64,LinearAlgebra.Cholesky{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}}}:

            Coef.  Std. Error      z  Pr(>|z|)     Lower 95%    Upper 95%
x1    -0.125665    0.0366813   -3.43    0.0006   -0.197559    -0.0537714
x2     0.0711207   0.0173717    4.09    <1e-4     0.0370729    0.105169
x3    -0.0094743   0.0768092   -0.12    0.9018   -0.160018     0.141069
x4   -19.0626      4.81712     -3.96    <1e-4   -28.504       -9.62125
x5     3.27676     0.53415      6.13    <1e-9     2.22984      4.32367
x6     0.00663543  0.0163232    0.41    0.6844   -0.0253574    0.0386283
x7    -1.72403     0.254145    -6.78    <1e-10   -2.22215     -1.22592
x8     0.40523     0.0841378    4.82    <1e-5     0.240323     0.570137
x9    -0.0163271   0.00468097  -3.49    0.0005   -0.0255016   -0.00715256
x10   -0.929381    0.169984    -5.47    <1e-7    -1.26254     -0.596217
x11    0.0091109   0.00339639   2.68    0.0073    0.00245409   0.0157677
x12   -0.525458    0.0638109   -8.23    <1e-15   -0.650525    -0.400391
x13   41.6909      6.36005      6.56    <1e-10   29.2254      54.1563


            Coef.  Std. Error      z  Pr(>|z|)     Lower 95%    Upper 95%
x1    -0.125665    0.0366813   -3.43    0.0006   -0.197559    -0.0537714
x2     0.0711207   0.0173717    4.09    <1e-4     0.0370729    0.105169
x3    -0.0094743   0.0768092   -0.12    0.9018   -0.160018     0.141069
x4   -19.0626      4.81712     -3.96    <1e-4   -28.504       -9.62125
x5     3.27676     0.53415      6.13    <1e-9     2.22984      4.32367
x6     0.00663543  0.0163232    0.41    0.6844   -0.0253574    0.0386283
x7    -1.72403     0.254145    -6.78    <1e-10   -2.22215     -1.22592
x8     0.40523     0.0841378    4.82    <1e-5     0.240323     0.570137
x9    -0.0163271   0.00468097  -3.49    0.0005   -0.0255016   -0.00715256
x10   -0.929381    0.169984    -5.47    <1e-7    -1.26254     -0.596217
x11    0.0091109   0.00339639   2.68    0.0073    0.00245409   0.0157677
x12   -0.525458    0.0638109   -8.23    <1e-15   -0.650525    -0.400391
x13   41.6909      6.36005      6.56    <1e-10   29.2254      54.1563

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A lot of great discussion here. Following on from the hints contained in it, I switched to GLM. GLM appears to be easier to use the MLJ (at least for this particular use-case) and has done everything I need.

Many thanks for all the great input.