Problem with unsafe_wrap() and Cxx.jl

As the title suggests, I’ve run into very puzzling behavior with Cxx and unsafe_wrap(). I’ve got some c++ code that returns vector<vector<uint8_t>>& which I’m viewing in Julia. I can perform the same operation twice in a row and get different answers each time. I’ve put together a code snippet that demonstrates the behavior I’m seeing:

using Cxx

#include <vector>

struct vholder {
    std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> data;
    vholder() {
        std::vector<float> f1{1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1};
        std::vector<uint8_t> c1(8*sizeof(float));
        std::memcpy(,, 8*sizeof(float));
        std::vector<float> f2{2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2};
        std::vector<uint8_t> c2(8*sizeof(float));
        std::memcpy(,, 8*sizeof(float));
        std::vector<float> f3{3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3};
        std::vector<uint8_t> c3(8*sizeof(float));
        std::memcpy(,, 8*sizeof(float));
        std::vector<float> f4{4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4};
        std::vector<uint8_t> c4(8*sizeof(float));
        std::memcpy(,, 8*sizeof(float));

    std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& get_data() {
        return data;


vholder = @cxxnew vholder()
vdata = @cxx vholder->get_data()
jdata = [reinterpret(Complex{Float32}, unsafe_wrap(Array, pointer(v), length(v)))
         for v in vdata]
jdata = [reinterpret(Complex{Float32}, unsafe_wrap(Array, pointer(v), length(v)))
         for v in vdata]

I’ve written the C++ part to make it very obvious what the expected result should be after Julia has done its part. When I run the code, this is what I see:

4-element Array{Base.ReinterpretArray{Complex{Float32},1,UInt8,Array{UInt8,1}},1}:
 [4.048057f-36 + 0.0f0im, 4.047994f-36 + 0.0f0im, 7.0f-45 + 1.0f-42im, 3.0f-45 + 0.0f0im]  
 [1.7337694f-38 + 0.0f0im, 0.0f0 + 0.0f0im, 1.8f-44 + 0.0f0im, 2.0056614f-36 + 0.0f0im]    
 [1.7337694f-38 + 0.0f0im, 0.0f0 + 0.0f0im, 1.8f-44 + 0.0f0im, 4.664f-42 + 0.0f0im]        
 [6.0541977f-37 + 0.0f0im, 3.1095097f-36 + 0.0f0im, 7.0f-45 + 4.9f-44im, 3.0f-45 + 0.0f0im]
4-element Array{Base.ReinterpretArray{Complex{Float32},1,UInt8,Array{UInt8,1}},1}:
 [1.1f0 + 1.1f0im, 1.1f0 + 1.1f0im, 1.1f0 + 1.1f0im, 1.1f0 + 1.1f0im]
 [2.2f0 + 2.2f0im, 2.2f0 + 2.2f0im, 2.2f0 + 2.2f0im, 2.2f0 + 2.2f0im]
 [3.3f0 + 3.3f0im, 3.3f0 + 3.3f0im, 3.3f0 + 3.3f0im, 3.3f0 + 3.3f0im]
 [4.4f0 + 4.4f0im, 4.4f0 + 4.4f0im, 4.4f0 + 4.4f0im, 4.4f0 + 4.4f0im]

I set the c++ code up specifically with the intention of making the lifetime of the object returned longer than Julia’s need to examine it, but may have failed at this.