Hi, I’m currently working in Windows 10 with Julia 1.5.3 in a Jupyter notebook, using Distributions.
I have an array of type Array{Float64,1} called “derivadas_reales_desplazado”. I want to fit a Poisson distribution to this array of data, but when I type:
fit_mle(Poisson, derivadas_reales_desplazado)
Distributions.fit_mle(Distributions.Poisson, derivadas_reales_desplazado)
it outputs the following issue:
suffstats is not implemented for (Poisson, Array{Float64,1}).
The values of “derivadas_reales_desplazado” are in the (0,1) interval, so there should be no problem fitting a Poisson distribution to it.
I also find this curious since fit_mle(Normal, derivadas_reales_desplazado) works fine.
Andy help will be truly appreciated.