Problem with optional argument with default value of missing

I have a small package CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl that I’m working on and in it I have the following function defined:

function cpsdata(year::Int, month::Int, vars::Vector{String}=missing)
    data = readdlm(project_path("data/links_dicts.csv"), ',', skipstart=1)
    registerdep(year, month, data)
    return createtable(year, month, vars, data)

When I load the package and call cpsdata without the optional argument I get a MethodError:

julia> cpsdata(2020,1)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching cpsdata(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Missing)
Closest candidates are:
  cpsdata(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Array{String,1}) at C:\Users\mthel\.julia\packages\CurrentPopulationSurvey\PgkXT\src\CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl:74
  cpsdata(::Int64, ::Int64) at C:\Users\mthel\.julia\packages\CurrentPopulationSurvey\PgkXT\src\CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl:74
 [1] cpsdata(::Int64, ::Int64) at C:\Users\mthel\.julia\packages\CurrentPopulationSurvey\PgkXT\src\CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl:75
 [2] top-level scope at REPL[25]:1

But the method clearly exists:

julia> methods(cpsdata)
# 2 methods for generic function "cpsdata":
[1] cpsdata(year::Int64, month::Int64, vars::Array{String,1}) in CurrentPopulationSurvey at C:\Users\mthel\.julia\packages\CurrentPopulationSurvey\PgkXT\src\CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl:74
[2] cpsdata(year::Int64, month::Int64) in CurrentPopulationSurvey at C:\Users\mthel\.julia\packages\CurrentPopulationSurvey\PgkXT\src\CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl:74

I don’t understand why the second method isn’t being dispatched…? This, for example, works fine:

function foo(a,b,c=missing)
    return ismissing(c) ? a + b : a + b + c

julia> foo(1,2)

julia> foo(1,2,3)

julia> foo(1,2,missing)

Have you tried vars::Union{Vector{String}, Missing}? missing is a value of type Missing, and will not match the expected Vector{String}.

Your foo example works because the type of c is unspecified, and automatically accommodates Missing.

Also, you may not need to specify Int, which could potentially limit the function’s composability with other packages.


I’m very embarrassed to not have realized that…been staring at the computer too long. Thanks : )