Problem with Multiple shooting

I am trying to estimate the parameters of a ODE model using a frequentist approach. While the simple L2Loss approach it works after when I run a more complicated one it does not. It gives me the following error:

ERROR: InexactError: Int64(4.8)
[1] Int64
@ ./float.jl:912 [inlined]
] (::DiffEqParamEstim.var"#43#48"{…})(p::Vector{…}, ::SciMLBase.NullParameters)
@ DiffEqParamEstim ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqParamEstim/6z5Ou/src/multiple_shooting_objective.jl:33
[3] (::OptimizationFunction{…})(::Vector{…}, ::Vararg{…})
@ SciMLBase ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/rR75x/src/scimlfunctions.jl:3763
[4] (::OptimizationBBO.var"#19#21"{OptimizationCache{…}})(θ::Vector{Float64})
@ OptimizationBBO ~/.julia/packages/OptimizationBBO/UgujW/src/OptimizationBBO.jl:147
[5] fitness(x::Vector{…}, p::BlackBoxOptim.FunctionBasedProblem{…})
@ BlackBoxOptim ~/.julia/packages/BlackBoxOptim/lZtsr/src/problem.jl:61
[6] setup_problem(func::Function, parameters::BlackBoxOptim.ParamsDictChain)
@ BlackBoxOptim ~/.julia/packages/BlackBoxOptim/lZtsr/src/bboptimize.jl:37
[7] bbsetup(functionOrProblem::Function, parameters::Dict{…}; kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
@ BlackBoxOptim ~/.julia/packages/BlackBoxOptim/lZtsr/src/bboptimize.jl:111
[8] bbsetup
@ ~/.julia/packages/BlackBoxOptim/lZtsr/src/bboptimize.jl:109 [inlined]
[9] __solve(cache::OptimizationCache{…})
@ OptimizationBBO ~/.julia/packages/OptimizationBBO/UgujW/src/OptimizationBBO.jl:167
[10] solve!(cache::OptimizationCache{…})
@ SciMLBase ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/rR75x/src/solve.jl:188
[11] solve(::OptimizationProblem{…}, ::BBO_adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited; kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
@ SciMLBase ~/.julia/packages/SciMLBase/rR75x/src/solve.jl:96
[12] top-level scope
@ ~/albo_mobility/code/Hanski/test/test_freq_simpMod_N5 .jl:184
Some type information was truncated. Use show(err) to see complete types.

This is the code with fake data input:

# Code that integrates the Hanski model and estimate the parameters of the model from the presence absence data frequentist algorithm
# It is a test with fake observed data and the simplest model
# Load pkgs and remove data -----------------------------------------------------
import Pkg
using DifferentialEquations
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots
using Shapefile
import GeoDataFrames as GDF
using LinearAlgebra
using ODE
using Interpolations
using DiffEqParamEstim
using SparseArrays
using Optimization

# Constant variables
const m_c = 0.001 # probability of mosquito in a car
const alp = 1/200 # average natural dispersal distance

# Load data input
const end_ind = 5
eta = [0.0       7.74415   5.24014     8.57707     5.21319;
        6.9175    0.0       7.23771    45.2212     16.8025;
        6.17319   7.426     0.0        17.7236      5.49988;
        8.40241  44.21     20.1597      0.0      5309.46;
        5.8309   17.5283    5.36841  5226.36        0.0]

const N = size(eta, 1) # Number of patches
mat =  [ 0.0        0.169023  0.157908  0.0503147  0.0531469
        0.169023   0.0       0.357034  0.00273453   0.27251
        0.157908   0.357034  0.0       0.236906   0.00269576
        0.0503147  0.273453  0.236906  0.0        0.830696
        0.0531469  0.0027251   0.00269576  0.830696   0.0]

# Initial conditions
pop_init = zeros(N)
pop_init[1] = 1

# Load R_M and interpolated
function interpolate_RM!(loc, interpolated_functions)
    # Read RM data time series
    R_M =*"albo_mobility/data/InputHanski/R_M_mitma.csv",

    # Select columns from the second to the second-to-last column, excluding the third column
    R_M = R_M[:, Not([1, 3])]
    # Interpolate R_M --------------------------------------------------------------------
    dates = R_M[:, 1]
    R_Ms = Matrix(R_M[:, 2:end])

    # Perform interpolation for each location
    for i in 1:size(R_Ms, 2)
        # Extract temperature values for the current location
        R_Ms_val = R_Ms[:, i]
        dates_num = 1:size(dates, 1)

        # Perform linear interpolation
        itp = LinearInterpolation(dates_num, R_Ms_val,extrapolation_bc=Flat())
        # Store the interpolated function
        push!(interpolated_functions, itp)


# Create an array to store interpolated functions
interpolated_functions = []
interpolate_RM!(loc, interpolated_functions)

# Integration non autonomous
function fun_na!(du, u, p, t)
  R_M_vec = [interpolated_functions[i](t) for i in 1:N] # Time series RM

  #eta1 = 1.0./(1.0 .+ exp.(-p[4].*eta.+p[5]))
  Cd = p[1].*mat*u # Natural dispersal
  Ch = p[2].*(m_c*eta)*u # Human mobility
  #Ch = p[2].*eta1*u # Human mobility
  du.= R_M_vec.*(Cd .+ Ch) .* (1 .- u) - p[3] .* u

# Set parameters
tf= 365.0
tspan = (t0, tf)
u0 = pop_init
p = [0.026, 0.071, 0.01]

# Create the ode model
prob = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(fun_na!, u0, tspan, p)
alg= DP8() #QNDF() #For low tolerances, Rodas4()

obs = solve(prob,  alg;p=p)

# Fake observed data
t = collect(range(0, stop = tf, length = 40))
using RecursiveArrayTools # for VectorOfArray
randomized = VectorOfArray([(obs(t[i]) ) for i in 1:length(t)])
data = convert(Array, randomized)

# Frequentist optimization -------------------------------------------------
using ForwardDiff, OptimizationOptimJL, OptimizationBBO
# Compute the cost function
@time cost_function = build_loss_objective(prob, Tsit5(), L2Loss(t, data),
 Optimization.AutoForwardDiff(), maxiters = 10000, verbose = false)

# Optimization
low_bound = [0,0,0]
up_bound = [0.1,0.5,0.5]
optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(cost_function, [0.0,0.0,0.0],
lb = low_bound, ub = up_bound)
@time optsol = solve(optprob, BFGS())        

# Check the solutions for the optimization
sol_opt = solve(prob, alg;p=optsol.u)
plot!(sol_opt, linestyle = :dash)

# Optimization multiple shooting
bound = Tuple{Float64, Float64}[(0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5),
                                (0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.5)]

ms_obj = multiple_shooting_objective(prob, DP8(), L2Loss(t, data),

# Run the optimization
optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(ms_obj, fill(0.01,9*3),
 lb = first.(bound),ub = last.(bound))
optsol_ms = solve(optprob, BBO_adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited(),
 maxiters = 10_000)

 # Check the solutions for the optimization multiple shoothing
sol_opt = solve(prob,  alg;p=optsol_ms.u[(end - 3):end])
plot!(sol_opt, linestyle = :dash)

I have also tried with BFGS instead of BBO_adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited() and I get the same error. I do not know where this problem with trying to change a float to a integer comes from.

Huh, that might be a bug. Here is the referenced line, perhaps that should be

K = (length(p) - P) ÷ N

Try deving DiffEqParamEstim and see if that change helps.