Problem with Data frame output in Quarto

Hello everyone! I have been using Julia for some time and have tried different ways to code. So far I liked Pluto, but wanted to try something else as well. Since I am coming from R, I wanted to try Quarto with Julia in VSCode. One problem I am having is that when I render for HTML, data frame outputs look not as I expected:

Quarto has some options for tables such as tbl-colwidths, and df-print which in my case didn’t work. I guess this is probably because they are not defined for Julia? I don’t know but I was able to overcome this using markdown_table function, but this output lacks information about the types of columns.

Is there any way that I can get the first table fixed? Thanks!

Here is how my .qmd looks like:

title: "Data Frames" 
    cache: true
jupyter: julia-1.9

`` `{julia}
using DataFramesMeta, MarkdownTables, Random, Distributions
`` `

`` `{julia}
y = DataFrame(
    x = round.(rand(10),digits=2),
    y = rand(["A","B"],10),
    z = sample(1:100,10),
    w = 1
`` `

`` `{julia}
y = DataFrame(
    x = round.(rand(10),digits=2),
    y = rand(["A","B"],10),
    z = sample(1:100,10),
    w = 1

`` `