Problem with curl.exe (Windows) and package installation

With some packages I have tried to install, I get an error as follows:

In another thread I have been told that probably my files curl.exe and/or powershell.exe are broken. I have checked and they seem to work fine. Also, I have tried in 5 different computers under Windows (laptops, desktops and a workstation) and in all cases I get the same error message, what would it be the probability that curl.exe and/or powershell.ese are broken in 5 out of 5 computers picked at random? :thinking:

For the record, I am not a computer specialist, Iā€™m a statistician that is trying to move from R to Julia, but I have been stuck with this issue for several weeks :cry: I have tried of course to ask about this here and in stackoverflow, tried whatever has been recommended to me, with no success, perhaps because I am not a computer science guy. I would really appreciate any suggestion for this matter, even if it impplies to pay by the hour to a computer professional for remote assistance. Iā€™m using JuliaPro version 1.2.0. Thanks in advance.

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For the error message it seems that curl has an issue with the certificate of
Can you try to open the URL in the browser?
Or better try the curl command from the line ā€œERROR: failed process: ā€¦ā€ in a command line or poershell command line and see what happens.

But I got the same error with another package that doesnā€™t need Anaconda, and yes, I can open such link form my browser, no problem at all.

And trying the curl command in a command line? This:
c:\windows\system32.curl.exe -s -S ā€¦
The red line.


I think it is related to this similar issue:

So putting a --ssl-no-revoke would help, but how to bring into the miniconda install script could be tricky.

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The --ssl-no-revoke did not work :cry:

The correlation could be quite high if they are the same version and setup of Windows & Julia, or used on the same network which has some restriction, etc.

As @oheil suggested, it may be best to try running the exact same shell command (highlighted in red, after Process), and debugging from there.

I would also just use plain Julia, not JuliaPro, to eliminate one source of variation in your setup.

Finally, the error message being in Spanish implies that seeking help locally (from IT, if this is an institutional/professional setting) may be better.

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Could you show the complete command you tried together with all output?

C:\>curl "" --ssl-no-revoke
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.

C:\>curl "" --ssl-no-revoke --output "C:\msg.txt"
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0Warning: Failed to create the file C:\msg.txt: Permission denied
  0 54.8M    0  3268    0     0   3268      0  4:53:09 --:--:--  4:53:09 20948
curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 3268)

And then tried again, with the same results.

Two different computers at work, Windows 7, my computer at home Windows 10, and two friendsā€™ personal laptops. Same result.

Also tried in plain Julia:

(v1.2) pkg> status
    Status `C:\Users\aerde\.julia\environments\v1.2\Project.toml`
  [c52e3926] Atom v0.10.1
  [7073ff75] IJulia v1.20.0
  [e5e0dc1b] Juno v0.7.2

julia> using IJulia

julia> notebook()
install Jupyter via Conda, y/n? [y]: y
[ Info: Downloading miniconda installer ...
ā”Œ Error: Download failed: curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - La funciļæ½n de revocaciļæ½n no puede comprobar la revocaciļæ½n para el certificado.
ā”” @ Base download.jl:43
ERROR: failed process: Process(`'C:\WINDOWS\System32\curl.exe' -s -S -g -L -f -o 'C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe'`, ProcessExited(35)) [35]

 [1] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:813 [inlined]
 [2] download_curl(::String, ::String, ::String) at .\download.jl:44
 [3] download at .\download.jl:52 [inlined]
 [4] _install_conda(::String, ::Bool) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:160
 [5] _install_conda(::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:152
 [6] runconda(::Cmd, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:111
 [7] #add#1(::String, ::typeof(Conda.add), ::String, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:184
 [8] add at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:183 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
 [9] find_jupyter_subcommand(::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:23
 [10] #notebook#8 at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:88 [inlined]
 [11] notebook() at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:87
 [12] top-level scope at REPL[4]:1

Then in Windows terminal:

C:\Windows\System32>curl "C:\WINDOWS\System32\curl.exe" -s -S -g -L -f -o "C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe" ""
curl: (3) Port number ended with '\'
curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - La funciĆ³n de revocaciĆ³n no puede comprobar la revocaciĆ³n para el certificado.

After going through all this, itā€™s clear for me that Julia is for computer pros, not for a statistician like me. I think Iā€™ll go back to R where I never had to struggle with this kind of details just to install a single package :cry:

You didnā€™t paste the correct command line. Just run

C:\WINDOWS\System32\curl.exe -s -S -g -L -f -o 'C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe'

Julia is open source, your help in tracking this down will make it easier for the next person.


No, it would be much easier, if you would do, what we try to tell you. We try to get as much information as possible to understand your issue.

Now, again, please call the curl command in red, which is part of your original output in the julia REPL.

it starts with:
c:\windows\system32\curl.exe -s -S ā€¦ and so on the rest
@Tamas_Papp has read an written everything from your screenshot, which is tedious. You must only copy paste, this is not a Pro thing.

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Done, same results:

C:\Windows\System32> curl.exe -s -S -g -L -f -o 'C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe'
curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - La funciĆ³n de revocaciĆ³n no puede comprobar la revocaciĆ³n para el certificado.

I see you typing, stay with us, i am here and try to help, dont go away

Thats what I get:

C:\Users\Oli>curl.exe -s -S -g -L -f -o ā€˜C:\Users\aerde.julia\conda\3\installer.exeā€™
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: curl - SSL CA Certificates

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

I am going to see whats going on

I was having a similar issue trying to properly install Plots.jl and I just solved it using a @giordano 's fork, so it seems that the problem is not with my curl.exe see:

Adding --insecure to the command line work. Could you try the following command in a windows cmd shell:
curl.exe --insecure -s -S -g -L -f -o "C:\Temp\installer.exe"

Use another path, if you dont have c:\temp for the output file.

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The output of
curl -V
is also good information.

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Got this:

julia> using IJulia

julia> notebook()
install Jupyter via Conda, y/n? [y]: y
[ Info: Running `conda install -y jupyter` in root environment
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: C:\Users\aerde\AppData\Local\Temp\

  added / updated specs:
    - jupyter

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  attrs              pkgs/main/win-64::attrs-19.1.0-py36_1
  backcall           pkgs/main/win-64::backcall-0.1.0-py36_0
  bleach             pkgs/main/win-64::bleach-3.1.0-py36_0
  colorama           pkgs/main/win-64::colorama-0.4.1-py36_0
  decorator          pkgs/main/win-64::decorator-4.4.0-py36_1
  defusedxml         pkgs/main/noarch::defusedxml-0.6.0-py_0
  entrypoints        pkgs/main/win-64::entrypoints-0.3-py36_0
  icu                pkgs/main/win-64::icu-58.2-ha66f8fd_1
  ipykernel          pkgs/main/win-64::ipykernel-5.1.2-py36h39e3cac_0
  ipython            pkgs/main/win-64::ipython-7.8.0-py36h39e3cac_0
  ipython_genutils   pkgs/main/win-64::ipython_genutils-0.2.0-py36h3c5d0ee_0
  ipywidgets         pkgs/main/noarch::ipywidgets-7.5.1-py_0
  jedi               pkgs/main/win-64::jedi-0.15.1-py36_0
  jinja2             pkgs/main/win-64::jinja2-2.10.1-py36_0
  jpeg               pkgs/main/win-64::jpeg-9b-hb83a4c4_2
  jsonschema         pkgs/main/win-64::jsonschema-3.0.2-py36_0
  jupyter            pkgs/main/win-64::jupyter-1.0.0-py36_7
  jupyter_client     pkgs/main/win-64::jupyter_client-5.3.3-py36_1
  jupyter_console    pkgs/main/win-64::jupyter_console-6.0.0-py36_0
  jupyter_core       pkgs/main/noarch::jupyter_core-4.5.0-py_0
  libpng             pkgs/main/win-64::libpng-1.6.37-h2a8f88b_0
  libsodium          pkgs/main/win-64::libsodium-1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0
  m2w64-gcc-libgfor~ pkgs/msys2/win-64::m2w64-gcc-libgfortran-5.3.0-6
  m2w64-gcc-libs     pkgs/msys2/win-64::m2w64-gcc-libs-5.3.0-7
  m2w64-gcc-libs-co~ pkgs/msys2/win-64::m2w64-gcc-libs-core-5.3.0-7
  m2w64-gmp          pkgs/msys2/win-64::m2w64-gmp-6.1.0-2
  m2w64-libwinpthre~ pkgs/msys2/win-64::m2w64-libwinpthread-git-
  markupsafe         pkgs/main/win-64::markupsafe-1.1.1-py36he774522_0
  mistune            pkgs/main/win-64::mistune-0.8.4-py36he774522_0
  msys2-conda-epoch  pkgs/msys2/win-64::msys2-conda-epoch-20160418-1
  nbconvert          pkgs/main/win-64::nbconvert-5.6.0-py36_1
  nbformat           pkgs/main/win-64::nbformat-4.4.0-py36h3a5bc1b_0
  notebook           pkgs/main/win-64::notebook-6.0.1-py36_0
  pandoc             pkgs/main/win-64::pandoc-
  pandocfilters      pkgs/main/win-64::pandocfilters-1.4.2-py36_1
  parso              pkgs/main/noarch::parso-0.5.1-py_0
  pickleshare        pkgs/main/win-64::pickleshare-0.7.5-py36_0
  prometheus_client  pkgs/main/noarch::prometheus_client-0.7.1-py_0
  prompt_toolkit     pkgs/main/win-64::prompt_toolkit-2.0.9-py36_0
  pygments           pkgs/main/noarch::pygments-2.4.2-py_0
  pyqt               pkgs/main/win-64::pyqt-5.9.2-py36h6538335_2
  pyrsistent         pkgs/main/win-64::pyrsistent-0.15.4-py36he774522_0
  python-dateutil    pkgs/main/win-64::python-dateutil-2.8.0-py36_0
  pywinpty           pkgs/main/win-64::pywinpty-0.5.5-py36_1000
  pyzmq              pkgs/main/win-64::pyzmq-18.1.0-py36ha925a31_0
  qt                 pkgs/main/win-64::qt-5.9.7-vc14h73c81de_0
  qtconsole          pkgs/main/noarch::qtconsole-4.5.5-py_0
  send2trash         pkgs/main/win-64::send2trash-1.5.0-py36_0
  sip                pkgs/main/win-64::sip-4.19.8-py36h6538335_0
  sqlite             pkgs/main/win-64::sqlite-3.30.0-he774522_0
  terminado          pkgs/main/win-64::terminado-0.8.2-py36_0
  testpath           pkgs/main/win-64::testpath-0.4.2-py36_0
  tornado            pkgs/main/win-64::tornado-6.0.3-py36he774522_0
  traitlets          pkgs/main/win-64::traitlets-4.3.2-py36h096827d_0
  wcwidth            pkgs/main/win-64::wcwidth-0.1.7-py36h3d5aa90_0
  webencodings       pkgs/main/win-64::webencodings-0.5.1-py36_1
  widgetsnbextension pkgs/main/win-64::widgetsnbextension-3.5.1-py36_0
  winpty             pkgs/main/win-64::winpty-0.4.3-4
  zeromq             pkgs/main/win-64::zeromq-4.3.1-h33f27b4_3
  zlib               pkgs/main/win-64::zlib-1.2.11-h62dcd97_3

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
ERROR An error occurred while installing package 'defaults::qt-5.9.7-vc14h73c81de_0'.
Rolling back transaction: done

LinkError: post-link script failed for package defaults::qt-5.9.7-vc14h73c81de_0
location of failed script: C:\Users\aerde\AppData\Local\Temp\Scripts\.qt-post-link.bat
==> script messages <==
==> script output <==
stderr: Not a conda environment: C:\Users\aerde\AppData\Local\Temp"

return code: 1


ERROR: failed process: Process(setenv(`'C:\Users\aerde\AppData\Local\Temp\Scripts\conda.exe' install -y jupyter`,["PATH=C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\Julia-1.2.0\\share\\julia\\stdlib\\v1.2\\MbedTLS;C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\Julia-1.2.0\\share\\julia\\stdlib\\v1.2\\MbedTLS\\deps\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files\\MiKTeX 2.9\\miktex\\bin\\x64\\;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Skype\\Phone\\;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\atom\\bin;%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;", "USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=DESKTOP-E1L9PEJ", "DISABLE_FALLBACK=true", "HOMEPATH=\\Users\\aerde", "PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC;.CPL", "NODE_ENV=production", "SESSIONNAME=Console", "SYSTEMROOT=C:\\WINDOWS", "APPDATA=C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Roaming", "PSMODULEPATH=C:\\Users\\aerde\\Documents\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules;C:\\Program Files\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Modules"  ā€¦  "PROGRAMFILES=C:\\Program Files", "LOGONSERVER=\\\\DESKTOP-E1L9PEJ", "DRIVERDATA=C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\DriverData", "CONDA_PREFIX=C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\", "ATOM_HOME=C:\\Users\\aerde\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\.atom", "FPS_BROWSER_USER_PROFILE_STRING=Default", "SYSTEMDRIVE=C:", "FPS_BROWSER_APP_PROFILE_STRING=Internet Explorer", "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64", "OPENBLAS_MAIN_FREE=1"]), ProcessExited(1)) [1]

 [1] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:813 [inlined]
 [2] #run#536(::Bool, ::typeof(run), ::Cmd) at .\process.jl:728
 [3] run at .\process.jl:726 [inlined]
 [4] runconda(::Cmd, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:113
 [5] #add#1(::String, ::typeof(Conda.add), ::String, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:184
 [6] add at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:183 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
 [7] find_jupyter_subcommand(::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\IJulia\cwvsj\src\jupyter.jl:23
 [8] #notebook#8 at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\IJulia\cwvsj\src\jupyter.jl:88 [inlined]
 [9] notebook() at C:\Users\aerde\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\packages\IJulia\cwvsj\src\jupyter.jl:87
 [10] top-level scope at none:0

The above, after doing in Windows terminal:

C:\>curl.exe --insecure -s -S -g -L -f -o "C:\Temp\installer.exe"

C:\>curl -V
curl 7.55.1 (Windows) libcurl/7.55.1 WinSSL
Release-Date: [unreleased]
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS IPv6 Largefile SSPI Kerberos SPNEGO NTLM SSL

The above results are form JuliaPro. Now in plain Julia I get:

julia> using IJulia

julia> notebook()
install Jupyter via Conda, y/n? [y]: y
[ Info: Downloading miniconda installer ...
ā”Œ Error: Download failed: curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - La funciļæ½n de revocaciļæ½n no puede comprobar la revocaciļæ½n para el certificado.
ā”” @ Base download.jl:43
ERROR: failed process: Process(`'C:\WINDOWS\System32\curl.exe' -s -S -g -L -f -o 'C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe'`, ProcessExited(35)) [35]

 [1] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:813 [inlined]
 [2] download_curl(::String, ::String, ::String) at .\download.jl:44
 [3] download at .\download.jl:52 [inlined]
 [4] _install_conda(::String, ::Bool) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:160
 [5] _install_conda(::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:152
 [6] runconda(::Cmd, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:111
 [7] #add#1(::String, ::typeof(Conda.add), ::String, ::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:184
 [8] add at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\Conda\kLXeC\src\Conda.jl:183 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
 [9] find_jupyter_subcommand(::String) at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:23
 [10] #notebook#8 at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:88 [inlined]
 [11] notebook() at C:\Users\aerde\.julia\packages\IJulia\fRegO\src\jupyter.jl:87
 [12] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1

It seems we are step further.
The new errors are obscure, so maybe we need to start in a new and clean environment.
It seems in your environment there are things quite different to the default installation, but it is maybe the JuliaPro version 1.2.0 environment, which looks like this.

The output name c:\temp.ā€¦ was just for testing, to see if the download works in general.

Please try now:

curl.exe --insecure -s -S -g -L -f -o "C:\Users\aerde\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe"