Problem with Base.push! in 0.7.0-alpha (?)

Dear all,

I am a computational physicist and a novice Julia programmer.I have written several simple codes using Julia, although mostly they still look like Fortran :sweat_smile:.

With the release of Julia 0.7.0-alpha, I have been trying to update my code.
So far so good until I came to this serious problem (IMHO) which make me to hard restart my laptop several times.

I am sorry because I could not present the minimal code that reproduce the problem I have faced because I could not risk to do any more hard restart again on my laptop.

I will just give the link to github of the problematic code below.

The code is my effort to refactor PyQuante.jl code of Rick Mueller.

Using Julia 0.6.3 the code runs fine. However, when I use 0.7.0-alpha, I got the following error:

ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: error in method definition: function Base.push! must be explicitly imported to be extended
 [1] top-level scope
 [2] include at ./boot.jl:314 [inlined]
 [3] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1071
 [4] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
 [5] include(::String) at ./client.jl:393
 [6] top-level scope
 [7] include at ./boot.jl:314 [inlined]
 [8] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1071
 [9] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
 [10] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:267
 [11] _start() at ./client.jl:427
in expression starting at /home/efefer/WORKS/my_github_repos/ElectronicStructure.jl/ffr-ElectronicStructure.jl/LO_Gaussian/CGBF.jl:44
in expression starting at /home/efefer/WORKS/my_github_repos/ElectronicStructure.jl/ffr-ElectronicStructure.jl/LO_Gaussian/test_BasisSet.jl:9

So, I try to import Base.push! in file CGBF.jl:

import Base.push!
# This should become the constructor along with center and power
function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    Base.push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    Base.push!(cbf.coefs, coef)

When I do it like this the code run at some point before call to this function and then it hang up. I first thought that this is not a Julia problem and simply my laptop hangs (again because of unknown problem, which happened sometimes).
However, I run into this problem again when running julia-0.7.0-alpha test_BasisSet.jl. After several hard restart, I tried to make sense of this problem and try to see what happened to my laptop when I run this. So, I open up htop and observed that memory usage of Julia jumps up to 55% and before my laptop hang up.

I have encountered the hang up problems when I used Julia before (mainly because I tried to construct sparse matrix using kron), but this problem is the most severe I have encountered so far.

This problem might be solved if I avoid using push and allocate memory beforehand which is the usual way I am handling this problem in Fortran. However, I might use push! somewhere and be aware of this problem.

Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,

Fadjar Fathurrahman

I am using Ubuntu 16.04, 64 bit

julia> Sys.total_memory()/2^20

julia> Sys.cpu_
cpu_info    cpu_summary
julia> Sys.cpu_info()
2-element Array{Base.Sys.CPUinfo,1}:
 Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B980 @ 2.40GHz: 
        speed         user         nice          sys         idle          irq
      840 MHz      37364 s        141 s       7177 s     272661 s          0 s
 Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B980 @ 2.40GHz: 
        speed         user         nice          sys         idle          irq
      971 MHz      40149 s        239 s       7743 s     268268 s          0 s

You are probably affected by this language change:

The syntax using A.B can now only be used when A.B is a module, and the syntax using A: B can only be used for adding single bindings


import Base: push!


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Thank you very much for quick reply.

I have tried your proposed solution however I still get the problem (I have to hard restart again).

By the way, I have used the syntax import Base.println without any problem in my code.

By the way, is it possible to upload zip file of the code ?
(In case it is annoying to download the code one-by-one or you don’t want to download the entire git repo).

It is best to make a minimal working example. You learn about the problem in the process (and may even solve it), and reviewing smaller files makes it easier to help you.

Sorry I was panicked at that time.

Here is some code I put in COMMON.jl:

const Tuple3F64 = Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64}
const Tuple3I64 = Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}

struct PGBF

function PGBF( expn::Float64, center::Tuple3F64, power::Tuple3I64 )
    NORM = 1.0
    p = PGBF( center, power, expn, NORM )
    return p

function PGBF( expn::Float64, center::Tuple3F64 )
    power = (0,0,0)
    NORM = 1.0
    p = PGBF( center, power, expn, NORM )
    return p

function PGBF( expn::Float64 )
    center = (0.0,0.0,0.0)
    power = (0,0,0)
    NORM = 1.0
    p = PGBF( center, power, expn, NORM )
    return p

mutable struct CGBF

function init_CGBF( center::Tuple3F64, power::Tuple3I64 )
    return CGBF( center, power, PGBF[], Float64[], 1.0 )

init_CGBF(x=0,y=0,z=0,I=0,J=0,K=0) = CGBF( (x,y,z), (I,J,K), PGBF[], Float64[], 1.0 )

#import Base: push!  # The problem is here
function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    Base.push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    Base.push!(cbf.coefs, coef)

const ZATOMS = Dict(
    "H"  => 1,
    "He" => 2,
    "Li" => 3 )

    const sto3g = Any[
      # H
        [(3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001),
         (0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995),
         (0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002)])],
      # He
        [(6.3624213899999997, 0.15432897000000001),
         (1.1589229999999999, 0.53532813999999995),
         (0.31364978999999998, 0.44463454000000002)])],
    const basis_set_data = Dict{Any,Any}("sto3g" => sto3g);

const BasisSet = Array{CGBF,1}

function push!(basis::BasisSet,cbf::CGBF)

function build_basis( Natoms::Int64, atsymbs::Array{String,1},
                      positions::Array{Float64,2}; name="sto3g" )
    data = basis_set_data[name]
    basis = BasisSet()

    for ia = 1:Natoms

        atno = ZATOMS[atsymbs[ia]]
        x = positions[1,ia]
        y = positions[2,ia]
        z = positions[3,ia]

        for btuple in data[atno]
            sym,primlist = btuple
            for (I,J,K) in sym2power[sym]
                cbf = init_CGBF( (x,y,z), (I,J,K) )
                for (expn,coef) in primlist


    return basis

const sym2power = Dict{Any,Any}(
  "S" => [(0,0,0)],
  "P" => [(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)],
  "D" => [(2,0,0),(0,2,0),(0,0,2),(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,1)]

Now, in the calling function:

if VERSION > v"0.6.3"
    using Printf


function test_main()
    Natoms = 1
    positions = zeros(Float64,3,Natoms)
    basis = build_basis(1, ["H"], positions)


Using julia-0.6.3:

julia test_BasisSet.jl 
CGBF[CGBF((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0), PGBF[PGBF((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0), 3.42525, 1.0), PGBF((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0), 0.623914, 1.0), PGBF((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0), 0.168855, 1.0)], [0.154329, 0.535328, 0.444635], 1.0)]

Julia 0.7.0-alpha will complain:

julia-0.7.0-alpha test_BasisSet.jl 
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: error in method definition: function Base.push! must be explicitly imported to be extended
 [1] top-level scope
 [2] include at ./boot.jl:314 [inlined]
 [3] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1071
 [4] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
 [5] include(::String) at ./client.jl:393
 [6] top-level scope
 [7] include at ./boot.jl:314 [inlined]
 [8] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1071
 [9] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
 [10] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:267
 [11] _start() at ./client.jl:427
in expression starting at /home/efefer/WORKS/JULIA/LO_gaussian_2_MWE/COMMON.jl:47
in expression starting at /home/efefer/WORKS/JULIA/LO_gaussian_2_MWE/test_BasisSet.jl:5

Last time I tried, adding Base.push! will hang up.

Reversing the lines:

                cbf = init_CGBF( (x,y,z), (I,J,K) )
                for (expn,coef) in primlist


                cbf = init_CGBF( (x,y,z), (I,J,K) )
                for (expn,coef) in primlist

might solve the problem.

Instead of

function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    Base.push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    Base.push!(cbf.coefs, coef)

Did you try

import Base: push!
function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    push!(cbf.coefs, coef)


function Base.push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    push!(cbf.coefs, coef)
1 Like

Thank you very much for your response.

I believed that I have tried:

# ...
import Base: push!
function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    push!(cbf.coefs, coef)
# ...

along with the following lines in function build_basis:

                cbf = init_CGBF( (x,y,z), (I,J,K) )
                for (expn,coef) in primlist

which caused my laptop to hang.
I’m sorry if I was mistaken, but currently I could not risk trying this on my laptop to make sure. I will report back soon as I can get access to my work PC.

Are you sure it wasn’t something unrelated? Julia is powerful, but merely running code as a non-root user should not be able to affect the system.

Yes this is not related to root or non root.

What I mean is that I have encountered several hang-up after running that script (probably because of memory-related problem?) which caused me to hard restart my laptop.

Actually, I can only reproduce the problem on Linux systems: my laptop and and my work PC, which both running Linux 16.04.

When I tried to ‘overload’ Base.push!:

import Base: push! 
function push!(cbf::CGBF,expn,coef)
    Base.push!(cbf.pgbfs, PGBF(expn,, cbf.power))
    Base.push!(cbf.coefs, coef)

and running the file test_BasisSet.jl

if VERSION > v"0.6.3"
    using Printf


function test_main()
    Natoms = 1
    positions = zeros(Float64,3,Natoms)
    basis = build_basis(1, ["H"], positions)


I got my laptop hang up.

I’m sorry if I am not clear in the problem statement.


I got stackoverflow error when running on Juliabox.

Again, having a minimal working example would make it so much easier to help you.

I am sorry with the ugly code. The truth is I am still learning the original code which is written by R.P Muller (

In the mean time I think I have solved the problem of hang up laptop and reproduced stackoverflow error on my laptop.

In my .bashrc, I used to add the statement ulimit -s unlimited because this is required by code generated by Intel Fortran compiler. It seems that this is no longer required and I have removed that line from my bashrc. My work PC also have this statement in its .bashrc.

@Tamas_Papp I think you are right about the problem. Julia is not wrong here, it is simply my setting which is not safe. Also thank you for pointing out the import Base: push! syntax, I got no deprecation messages about this.

I will come back again if I can isolate the real problem here.

I think the problem is quite simple. You have managed to define a method that calls itself over and over (and that is what the stacktrace in JuliaBox is showing) giving you an infinite recursion until stackoverflow.

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Ups, I think it is :sweat:. The problem vanish when I comment

const BasisSet = Array{CGBF,1}

#function push!(basis::BasisSet,cbf::CGBF)
#    Base.push!(basis,cbf)

I guess I have panicked because my laptop hang up due to statement ulimit -s unlimited in my .bashrc.